
  • television amplifier
  1. 有线电视放大器最高输出电平设计和失真指标核算新方法

    New Method for Designing Maximum Output Level and Calculating Distortion Index of CATV Amplifiers

  2. 有线电视放大器工作特性分析

    The Cabled TV Enlarger Work Characteristic Analysis

  3. 电缆电视放大器中的非线性失真

    Non-linear Distortion Level in CATV Amplifier

  4. 电视天线放大器的实验研究与发展分析

    The Experiment Research and Development of TV Antenna Amplifier

  5. 电缆电视系统放大器非线性失真与最大输出电平测试

    Measurement of Nonlinear Distortion and Maximum Output Level of Amplifier in CATV systems

  6. 有线电视用户放大器设计和调试的几点经验

    Experience of Designing and Debugging CATV Distribution Amplifier

  7. 关于有线电视干线放大器的芯线供电问题

    Problems about the Cord Line Power Supply in Applying Cable Television Trunk Line Amplifier

  8. 早期和近年有线电视用户放大器设置与设计方法分析比较

    A Comparison of Early Years and Recent Years About Setting and Designing CATV Distributive Amplifiers

  9. 公用天线电视主线放大器

    Community antenna television main-line amplifier

  10. 通过制作、仿真及测试,研究并讨论了分立元件电视天线放大器的工作原理及特性。

    Through the process of manufacture , simulation and test on discrete-component television-antenna amplifier , the working principle and features are studied .

  11. 有线电视网络智能放大器的设计与应用

    The Design and Application of An Intelligent Amplifier in CATV Network

  12. 电缆电视系统中放大器的交调及互调产物

    Crossmodulation and Intermodulation products in CATV Amplifiers hank of cable

  13. 它采用了数字信号处理技术来实现,并且利用自适应跟踪补偿功率放大器因环境因素改变而造成的误差,性能优良,十分适合于在数字电视发射机的功率放大器中使用。

    It adopts digital signal processing technology and uses adaptive tracking to compensate the errors produced by environmental factors .

  14. 合放式电视发射机中,放大器非线性特性的存在,使得共同放大的图像载波、彩色副载波及伴音载波分量相互作用,产生这三个频率的合、差频失真,即互调失真。

    In internally diplexed television transmitter , the nonlinear characteristic of amplifiers results in intermodulation distortion of three frequencies picture carrier frequency , color subcarrier frequency and aural carrier frequency .

  15. 交扰调制比CM和载波互调比IM是电缆电视系统非线性的两项主要指标,本文主要讨论电缆电视系统中放大器变调、互调产物的分布及各种产物的内在联系和积累规律。

    This peper describes the distribution of crossmodulation and intermodulation originated along the CATV System , as well as the interrelation and accumulation of those nonlinear products .