
  1. 电子轰击炉相控电源的研制

    Development of the Phase-controlled power Supply for Electronic Bombarding Furnance

  2. 它将迅速成为电力系统直流操作电源的主流产品,并将完全取代相控电源。

    It will be the main product of DC operating power supplies used in electric power system and will finally replace the phase controlled power supply .

  3. 本文简述了开关稳压电源的基本原理,以及开关电源与线性电源、相控电源相比较的优劣性。

    This paper summaries the basic principal of switch voltage - stabilized source , and compares the advantages and disadvantages of switch voltage-stabilized source , linear power source and phase controlling power source .

  4. 随着我国粉尘排放标准的进一步提高,传统单相工频相控电源已经无法满足这日益严苛的要求,必须开发一种新型电源来替代它。

    With the improvement of the national dust emission standard , Traditional single-phase phase-controlled power supplies cannot meet increasingly strict needs , so it is necessary to develop a new type of power supply .

  5. 在通信电源中,由于开关电源具有功率转换、效率高、稳压范围宽、功率体积比大、重量轻等特点,已经取代线性电源、相控电源成为新一代通信电源的主体。

    In the category of communication power supply , Switch Mode Power Supply ( SMPS ) has supplanted the linear and phase controlled supply , with the advantage of power conversion , high efficiency , wide steady voltage , large ratio of power-volume plus light weight .

  6. 随着电力电子半导体器件和软开关技术的发展,大功率开关电源得到了广泛的应用,与传统的相控整流电源相比,它在效率、体积、重量、功率因数、响应速度等方面优势显著。

    With the development of the electronic semiconductor devices and soft-switching technology , high-power switching power supply has been widely applied , and it shows a distinct advantage in efficiency , size , weight , power factor , response speed , etc. compared to the traditional phase-controlled rectifier power supply .