
  • 网络Search;related search;seo
  1. 在欧洲很多国家,奥运会相关搜索中有三分之一来自手机,而在英国,所有奥运会相关搜索中,来自手机的搜索量占将近一半的比例,达到46%。

    In many countries in Europe , around a third of all Olympics related searches came from mobiles and in the UK , mobiles accounted for nearly half 46 per cent of all Olympics queries .

  2. 2004年,百度允许广告客户付款使得相关搜索结果排名靠前,这一招是模仿美国加州帕萨迪娜市名为Overture的公司。

    By2004 , Baidu was allowing advertisers to pay to appear at the top of related search results , mimicking a model pioneered by a Pasadena ( Calif. ) company called Overture .

  3. 考虑到短波信道频率偏移的不确定性提出了相关搜索、FFT捕获的信号捕获方案。

    Considering the uncertainty of frequency excursion , the scheme of signal capturing of correlate searching , FFT capturing is bring forward .

  4. 在宽巷模糊度得到固定后,利用卡尔曼滤波对L1模糊度进行估计,并使用模糊度失相关搜索算法,动态地确定模糊度。

    The integer ambiguity of carrier phase on L1 band can be quickly fixed using Kalman filtering and ambiguity decorrelation algorithm based on the wide lane integer ambiguity solution .

  5. 多脉冲线性预测编码(MP-LPC)算法是近来发展很快的一种语音压缩编码方法,文中介绍一种基于最大互相关搜索法的MP-LPC编码方案。

    Multi-pulse excited linear predicative coding ( MP-LPC ) is a newly developed speech compression method .

  6. 本文利用预处理修正周期谱算法完成了低信噪比条件带信码DS信号的检测和参数估计,在此基础上再利用相关搜索匹配法完成了DS信号中的码型识别。

    In this paper , a pre-processed revised cycle-spectrum algorithm is used to detect the DS signals of low SNR . On the basis of detection and parameters estimation , a matching algorithm is used to perform the identification of code type .

  7. 多尺度小波降噪的数字散斑相关搜索

    Digital speckle correlation method of multi-scale wavelet noise reduction

  8. 基于能量相关搜索法的海底钴结壳微地形探测方法研究

    Exploration Method for Tiny Terrain of Seabed Cobalt Crust Based on Energy Relativity Search

  9. 用于局部放电信号定位的多样本能量相关搜索提取时间差算法

    Time Difference Algorithm Based on Energy Relevant Search of Multi-sample Applied in PD Location

  10. 变形测量中的数字散斑相关搜索方法

    Digital Speckle Correlation Method of Deformation Measurement

  11. 提出了一种基于多尺度小波降噪的数字散斑相关搜索方法。

    A novel Digital Speckle Correlation Method ( DSCM ) based on multi-scale wavelet noise reduction is proposed .

  12. 它对实物进行识别比如书籍、标识和产品并将用户直接带入相关搜索结果。

    This recognises objects such as books , logos and products and takes users directly to search results relating to them .

  13. 他们发现,当商业和政治的相关搜索增多时,市场就有暴跌的倾向。

    They found that when searches related to business and politics go up , the market tends to take a dive .

  14. 该系统实现了倒排索引的创建、添加、删除以及相关搜索功能。

    The inverted index system implemented the function of creating , adding , deleting inverted index as well as related retrieving .

  15. 基于仿射变换的最大相关搜索策略,根据实际需求和边界直径对搜索的初始参数加以约束,大大减少了搜索时间。

    The scouting speed is greatly improved by restricting the initial searching parameters according to the practical requirements and boundary diameter .

  16. 实验表明,该方法能够提取出符合预期的相关搜索词,进而有效提升搜索效率。

    On the basis of experimental analysis , we prove that the method can extract expected related queries and improve the efficiency .

  17. 研究了串行搜索捕获、循环相关搜索捕获、双门限的恒虚警率捕获这三种常用的捕获方法。

    Studied serial search capture , recycling - related search capture , dual threshold CFAR capture to capture these three commonly used methods .

  18. 从中可以看出热门的目的地网页的搜索字词,以及其他信息的相关搜索。

    You are able to see popular destination pages for the search term , as well as additional information on the related search .

  19. 支持开发涵盖大范围搜索手段的检索、分类、查询等相关搜索结果的公共用户界面。

    Support development of common user interfaces for searching , sorting , and retrieving relevant search results across a range of discovery tools .

  20. 计算结果表明,多尺度小波降噪的数字散斑相关搜索方法与传统空域相关搜索方法相比,其测量精度提高了一个数量级,相对误差可以控制在1%以内;

    Compared with the traditional DSCM , the accuracy of this new method is improved dramatically and the relative error is less than 1 % .

  21. 近几年的研究成果显示,实体相关搜索占互联网查询的很大一部分,并且这个比例在不断上升。

    The survey in recent years shows that entity search accounts for a large part of the Internet queries , and this proportion has been rising .

  22. 该公司周四表示,眼下该公司没有更多的信息,相关搜索方正在跟进这一重要线索。

    ' We do not have any additional information at this time as relevant search parties follow up on this important lead , ' the company said Thursday .

  23. 它可以用建立在全搜索算法基础之上的自相关搜索算法来降低计算量,用抗误码码本来提高抗误码能力。

    Its computational complexity can be reduced by the autocorrelation search procedure which is on the basis of the full search procedure . Its robust ability can be increased by the robust codebook .

  24. 本文根据特征向量空间和最小相关搜索区的概念,提出了设计快速相关处理系统数据结构的新方法。

    According to the concepts of the eigenvector space and the minimal correlation searching area , a new method to design the data structure of a fast correlation processing system is presented in this paper .

  25. 在过去一周里,对愚人节笑话和愚人节恶作剧的网络搜索量增加了一倍多,对简易的愚人节恶作剧和职场愚人节笑话的相关搜索量也大大增加了。

    Over the past week , Web searches on april fools day jokes and april fools day pranks have more than doubled , and related lookups for easy april fools day pranks and april fools day jokes for work also spiked .

  26. 工商总局广告司司长张国华表示,在线搜索引擎和电子商务平台上显示的搜索结果,只要它们的排名是由财务因素所影响,而不是按照相关搜索条款的顺序出现的,那么就会被认为是广告。

    Zhang Guohua , head of the advertisement department at the administration , said that search results displayed on online search engines and e-commerce platforms were considered as advertisements as long as their rankings were influenced by financial factors rather than appearing in their order of relevance to search terms .

  27. 而现在愚人节依然很流行。在过去一周里,对“愚人节笑话”和“愚人节恶作剧”的网络搜索量增加了一倍多,对“简易的愚人节恶作剧”和“职场愚人节笑话”的相关搜索量也大大增加了。

    And it 's still going strong . Over the past week , Web searches on " april fools day jokes " and " april fools day pranks " have more than doubled , and related lookups for " easy april fools day pranks " and " april fools day jokes for work " also spiked .

  28. 微软研究人员近日进行一项人们对健康相关网络搜索的调查,结果发现近40%的人在搜索症状后比未搜索前要更加忧虑。

    A study by researchers at Microsoft analyzed masses of health-related Internet searches and found that nearly 40 percent of people experience greater anxiety after researching their symptoms than they did at the outset .

  29. 本文的主要研究内容及其创新点如下:1.提出了一种新的混合索引结构,解决了已有基于文本的位置相关Web搜索的索引所面临的问题。

    A kind of hybrid index structure is proposed to solve the existing problems of previous text-based solutions .

  30. 与许多纯导航式解决方案不同,OmniFindEnterpriseEdition不需要预定义的分类法也能够提供高度相关的搜索结果。

    Unlike many navigation-only solutions , OmniFind Enterprise Edition does not require a pre-defined taxonomy in order to deliver highly relevant search results .