
  • 网络related design;correlational design
  1. 为基于PowerPointGames的小学英语课程提供了相关设计模型。

    Provides the primary school English course based on PowerPoint Games related design model .

  2. 介绍以PLC(可编程控制器)为核心的远程自动监测系统的通讯问题及相关设计;

    This paper describes some problems about the communication , with related design , of an auto monitoring system basied on the use of PLC .

  3. 对客户驱动的基于Web的个性化产品定制系统的功能及相关设计进行了介绍。

    Making a description on the functions and design of the customer-driven web-based customization system .

  4. CAD系统作为相关设计部门的必备工具,发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    CAD system has been a necessary tool and become more and more important in correlativity design departments .

  5. 手运动组块设计与事件相关设计的fMRI比较研究

    A Control Study of Hand Motor fMRI Experiment with Blocked Design and Event Related Design

  6. 讨论了CMOS射频低噪声放大器的相关设计问题,对影响其增益、噪声系数、线性度等性能指标的因素进行了分析,并综述了几种提高其综合性能指标的方法。

    On discussing CMOS RF LNA performance of gain , noise figure and linear degree and analysing the method to improve the comprehensive performance .

  7. 该仿真模型在基于HLA的雷达侦察设备仿真成员中得到了有效的验证和使用,为相关设计提供了有益的参考。

    It has been approved and used among the federation of radar reconnaissance equipment model based on HLA and offers a helpful reference for related design .

  8. 文中给出了基于Modbus协议的阀门电动装置测试系统,说明了测试系统的硬件构成、测试软件的相关设计和开发以及Modbus协议的实现。

    Valve electric device measurement system based on Modbus protocol was brought forward , including hardware structure , design and development of software and application of modus protocol .

  9. 经运行证明,系统提供的测试数据符合保证Cache设计的程序局部性原理的规律并且整个系统运行的结果与Linux中相关设计相一致,达到了预期设计目的。

    The application testified that the test data the system rendered accord with the warrant that the regular pattern that the locality principle of Cache design and the result of the whole system operation is consistent with the Linux design .

  10. 本文给出了Android平台恶意软件静态监测系统的相关设计及实现,通过实验测试,验证了静态检测系统在一定的误报率、漏报率范围内,可以有效地检测出应用程序中存在的常见恶意行为。

    This paper gives the design and implementation of malwares static detection system on Android . Through experimental tests to verify the system can effectively detect the common malicious behavior at a certain rate of false positives , false negative range .

  11. 如何在实践中检验和修正相关设计法则?

    How to test and revise the correlated design principle in practice ?

  12. 第4章侧重说明线性设计及其相关设计。

    The fourth chapter dwells upon the geometrical aspects and their related design .

  13. 两类小结合方案及其相关设计

    Certain small association schemes and related statistical designs

  14. 相关设计思想可供其它敷设方式的电缆短期负载电流计算参考。

    The design means can be extended to other laying conditions of power cables .

  15. 德国的截流井及相关设计

    Intercepting Well and the Relative Design in Germany

  16. 这种嵌套方式既可以减少重复键入,又可以确保相关设计的清晰性。

    This nesting both reduces repetitive typing and makes it clearer which settings are related .

  17. 这样既节省了试验费用,缩短了设计周期,相关设计人员也对自己所设计的整车有概括和方向性的了解。

    This will not only save the cost test , but also short the design cycle .

  18. 对通用检测设备热设计的相关设计参数、技术指标等进行了简要的分析。

    The essential features and commonly methods of the general detection devices thermal design are introduced .

  19. 但是目前在塔机的相关设计规范中却并未明确考虑地震的作用。

    But now in the tower crane design specifications were never considered the role of earthquake specifically .

  20. 该实验的设计基于事件相关设计,数据处理用反卷积的方法。

    The experiment design is based on event related design . The method of its data process is deconvolution .

  21. 有杆抽油系统的组成不应只是抽油机、抽油泵、抽油杆等硬件,还应包括大量的相关设计软件。

    The oil extraction method with sucker-rod pumping system is the most pioneer and extensive manual uploading oil extraction method .

  22. 通过使用一个旅游业示例,解释相关设计概念和开发流。

    Using an example in the field of tourism , it explains the relevant design concepts and the development flow .

  23. 本文以现代钢复合结构建筑为研究对象,探讨这一结构类型的建筑在当代建筑设计中的表现形态及相关设计方法。

    This thesis is focused on Modern Timber Architecture Compound with Steel , probe into the expression and relevant design methods .

  24. 基于品牌战略下的相关设计理论和方法,在设计实践中进行初步的应用和论证。

    Based on the brand strategy of relevant design theory and method , in the design practice of preliminary application and demonstration .

  25. 本文首先讨论了规划列车运行速度曲线有关的问题,这些问题包括:线路特性、列车相关设计指标、运营时的舒适度指标。

    In the first part of this page , it discussed some problems of how to planning the velocity curve of train .

  26. 最后,参考相关设计和质量验收规范,提出新型节点的设计建议;

    In the end , designing advice to the new connection is brought forward by referencing design code and qualitative acceptance specification ;

  27. 首次成功地运用等效电路法分析了这种新型的扩展同轴波导功率分配/合成电路,并推导出了同轴波导功率分配/合成电路的相关设计公式。

    Firstly , Analysis based on equivalent circuits gives the design formula for this novel coaxial power dividing / combining circuits successfully .

  28. 实验证明,设计在实际电路中表现出良好的电气特性,可以为相关设计提供较好的参考和借鉴。

    The results indicate that there is a good electric characteristic in design circuit , and it provides a better reference for future design .

  29. 介绍了给排水管道材料、管道基础、给排水附属构筑物的相关设计内容。

    And introduced water supply / discharge piping material , piping foundation and the related design contents of water supply / discharge auxiliary structures .

  30. 目前仅有英国联合利华公司拥有生产专利,国内缺少相关设计经验。

    Currently , only the company of Unilever in British has the patent of it , and is lack of relevant design experience in domestic .