首页 / 词典 / good


xiāng yí
  • appropriate;fitting;suitable
相宜 [xiāng yí]
  • [appropriate;suitable;fitting] 合适,符合

  • 在那个场合你说这样的话是不相宜的

相宜[xiāng yí]
  1. 第四,为保证P公司在规划期的人才资源供需平衡有针对性地制定相宜的政策和措施,即编制P公司人才资源规划方案,保证人才资源规划顺利实施。

    Fourth , formulate the suitable policies and measures , namely establish the human resource planning for the P Company to guarantee the balance between demand and supply of human resource of the P Company in the planning time .

  2. 自动清洗喷口与刀切和矫位系统相宜。

    Automatic washing jets suitable for pitting heads and aligning system ;

  3. 在这种场合你说这样的话是不相宜的。

    What you said on the occasion was not appropriate .

  4. 他做这种工作很相宜。

    He is qualified to do [ for doing ] the work .

  5. 秋分种麦最相宜。

    The Autumnal Equinox is the best time for wheat-sowing .

  6. 欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。(苏轼《饮湖上初晴后雨》)

    For symbol of the Western Lake the Western maid you well may take , | whether adorned with white and rose | or in unpainted grace she goes .

  7. 目的探讨电子耳蜗植入术(cochlearimplantation,CI)的麻醉特点,及其相宜的规范性麻醉处置方案。

    AIM Purposes of this study were to investigate the anesthetic characteristic of cochlear implantation , and available formal anesthetic management protocol to it .

  8. 结合作者在PLC应用中的实际使用经验.介绍了三种实用的PLCI/O的扩展方法,并同时给出相宜的电路连接图和梯形图。

    The paper introduces three kinds of practical spread method of PLC I / O point in combination with author 's operating experience , and gives corresponding circuit diagram and trapezium diagram .

  9. 按下按钮提问,Watson会在互联网上搜索,寻找一个安全且与儿童年龄相宜的答案。

    Press its button to ask a question , and Watson will trawl the internet looking for a safe , age-appropriate answer .

  10. 在充分考虑数学教学的目的性以及教学手段的相宜性基础上,对利用MCAI技术辅助数学教学进行了有益的探索。

    The paper attempts to study mathematics teaching assisted by MCAI on the basis of the object of the course and the appropriateness of the teaching methods .

  11. 这倒是个相宜的时机雇用新员工。

    This is also a good time to employ new people .

  12. 对其中具体细节采用相宜算法、过程予以描述。

    The concrete details are stated by appropriate algorithms or procedures .

  13. 一如身体百病,皆可借相宜之运动除之。

    like as diseases of the body may have appropriate exercises .

  14. 她的父母决不会答应这门不相宜的婚事。

    Her parents will never acquiesce in such an unsuitablemarriage .

  15. 建立先进的电讯基建设施,收费相宜,服务具竞争力。

    Establish an advanced telecommunications infrastructure with strong price and service competition .

  16. 所以两种教育应该紧紧相联,这样才能达到供需相宜。

    Only in this way , supply and require can be met .

  17. 女人,也要清新淡雅、浓淡相宜。

    Woman , also want to fresh and elegant , shades affordable .

  18. 你的美貌与年龄总相宜。

    Thy beauty and thy years full well befits .

  19. 流行歌曲精粹,欣赏、收藏两相宜。

    The essence of pop songs is good for Both appreciation and collection .

  20. 得失相宜是你能得到最好的。

    The best you get is an even break .

  21. 这似乎是对于我所干的那桩事情特别相宜的态度。

    It seemed the peculiarly appropriate attitude for the business I was in .

  22. 粮票:收藏投资两相宜

    Food Coupons Are Suitable both for Collection and Investment

  23. 只要有善行。这才与自称是敬神的女人相宜。

    But with good deeds , appropriate for women who profess to worship god .

  24. 求知须渐近,冒进不相宜。

    Knowledge advances by step not by leap .

  25. 但是,我觉得,朋友之间推心置腹说知心话,除了在床上以外,实在找不到一个更加相宜的地方。

    but there is no place like a bed for confidential disclosures between friends .

  26. 大小新近总相宜&从部分获奖作品看好新闻的基本特征

    The basic features of the good news in the perspective of some award-winning works

  27. 江南红壤丘陵区农业气候特点与作物生产的气候相宜性

    The agricultural climatic characteristics and the climatic suitability for crop production in the red

  28. 因为他的神教导他务农相宜,并且指教他。

    For his God doth instruct him to discretion , and doth teach him .

  29. 最新流行款式,风格简约,超精细工艺,装饰实用两相宜。

    Stylish simplicity with high fine process can meet both practical and decorative purpose .

  30. 她的言语太不相宜了。

    Her remarks were quite out of place .