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cāi cè
  • guess;speculate;conjecture;guesswork;surmise;read;imagine;second-guess;hypothesis;thumbsuck
猜测 [cāi cè]
  • [guess;surmise;conjecture] 猜度揣测;凭某些线索推断猜度

  • 我猜测这次会议并不成功

猜测[cāi cè]
  1. 我们的猜测通过计算得到证实。

    Our guess was confirmed by calculation .

  2. 他们可能3点钟到——不过这只是一个大致的猜测。

    They might be here by 3 ─ but that 's just a rough guess .

  3. 媒体不断给我们灌输流言飞语和猜测臆断。

    We are constantly fed gossip and speculation by the media .

  4. 大家不禁猜测,到底发生了什么事。

    It 's tempting to speculate about what might have happened .

  5. 媒体不断把流言飞语和猜测臆断灌输给我们。

    Gossip and speculation are constantly fed to us by the media .

  6. 对他为什么这么做妄加猜测毫无用处。

    It is useless to speculate why he did it .

  7. 我们不能根据传言和猜测作决定。

    We can 't make a decision based on hearsay and guesswork .

  8. 许多人猜测这位参议员将会继任总统。

    The senator has been tipped by many as a future president .

  9. 我们只能猜测当时凶手心里想的是什么。

    We can only conjecture about what was in the killer 's mind .

  10. 在他辞职之前,有关的猜测已持续了几个星期。

    His resignation was preceded by weeks of speculation .

  11. 关于他的前途的猜测达到了狂想的地步。

    Speculation about his future had reached fever pitch .

  12. 今天的声明使得几个月来关于公司未来的种种猜测就此烟消云散。

    Today 's announcement ends months of speculation about the company 's future .

  13. 这纯属我们的猜测。

    It was pure guesswork on our part .

  14. 这篇文章的依据是对未来可能发生什么事情的猜测。

    The article is based on guesses about what might happen in the future .

  15. 这纯粹是我的猜测。

    This is pure surmise on my part .

  16. 有关离婚的猜测证实纯属无稽之谈。

    Speculation about a divorce proved totally unfounded .

  17. 我们只能猜测发生了什么事。

    We can only guess what happened .

  18. 他的猜测完全正确。

    His guess was spot on .

  19. 种种猜测甚嚣尘上,以至必须立即作出决定。

    Speculation has reached such a pitch that a decision will have to be made immediately .

  20. 这种猜测不值得我们作任何评论。

    We won 't dignify this kind of speculation with a comment

  21. 勃朗宁的预测不过是妄加猜测而已。

    Browning 's prediction is no better than a wild guess .

  22. 据猜测,他已死了两天。

    At a guess he 's been dead for two days .

  23. 据合理猜测,他的个人财产有12.5亿美元。

    An informed guess at his personal wealth was $ 1.25 billion

  24. 我们需要用统计数据来证实那一猜测。

    We need to back that suspicion up with statistical proof .

  25. 各家报纸都刊登了有关埃迪·多纳根神秘失踪的猜测性报道。

    The papers ran speculative stories about the mysterious disappearance of Eddie Donagan

  26. 你只能猜测他们忍受着多大的精神痛苦。

    You can only guess at what mental suffering they endure

  27. 这引发了人们对通用公司和捷豹公司可能在进行磋商的大量猜测。

    It triggered broad speculation that GM and Jaguar might be talking .

  28. 警方只能猜测问题的严重性。

    The police can only guess at the scale of the problem .

  29. 他猜测说有些人也许能够察觉重大灾难。

    He conjectured that some individuals may be able to detect major calamities

  30. 大多数人猜测买方出价可能为每股380便士。

    Speculation centred on a likely bid price of 380p a share .