
  • 网络niches;Niche market;niche segment
  1. 从商业生态系统的角度出发,全面分析ASP生态系统、主要参与者、价值网络、缝隙市场以及ASP提供商的宏观战略选择。

    From the perspective of business ecosystem , this paper analyses the comprehensive ASP ecosystem , major participators , value network , niche market and macro strategy choice of ASPs .

  2. 如果能把精力集中在髙价位产品的缝隙市场上,我们就能实现目标。

    We can reach our goal if we focus on a niche market with high-priced products .

  3. 一名来自BGC的股票经纪人科林.吉利斯认为:这样利润固然客观,但是这使得苹果市场越来越成为一种缝隙市场,有点类似于奢侈品企业。

    That is good for profits , but it makes Apple increasingly a niche player , somewhat like a luxury-goods firm , says Colin Gillis of BGC , a stockbroker .

  4. 女:你是说进入缝隙市场?

    Woman : You mean moving into niche markets ?

  5. 其中许多客户机都属于新设备,仍然在客户和企业中寻找它们的缝隙市场。

    Many of these clients are new devices still finding their niches in the hearts of consumers and enterprises .

  6. 当海尔从缝隙市场迈向大众市场时,海尔开始进行直接针对消费者的广告传。

    As it ventures out of niches into the mass market , Haier is starting to do consumer advertising .

  7. 就如许多此类企业处于硬件缝隙市场一样,他说一些企业将开辟服务缝隙市场,往往基于它们的专有软件。

    Just as many are now in hardware niches , he says some will carve out service niches , based often on their own proprietary software .

  8. 乐呵呵的李书福喜欢在业余时间写诗。他在解释竞争加剧迫使他退出这一缝隙市场时再次大笑起来。

    The jovial Mr Li – who writes poems in his spare time – is laughing again as he explains how increased competition in this niche forced him to move on .

  9. 提供了一个如何在团簇型缝隙市场中开发新技术的框架,以期为企业在技术路线的选择方面提供有益的借鉴。

    It constructs a framework about how to develop new techniques in the cluster niche market , aiming at providing some useful information for the enterprise to acquire or keep competitive advantage .

  10. 他们表示,至少对下一代人来说,昆虫消费类产品将依然是一个“缝隙市场”,其主要受众是寻求刺激的西方人,以及西方国家中渴望享受墨西哥蚱蜢或南部非洲可乐豆木蠕虫等传统昆虫美食的移民社区。

    They say consumer products will remain a " niche market " for at least another generation , mostly attracting thrill-seeking Westerners as well as immigrant communities in the West pining for traditional insect favorites like grasshoppers from Mexico or Mopane worms from southern Africa .

  11. 汽车业高管表示,美国汽车制造商难以满足顾客对天然气动力汽车日益增强的兴趣,因为在这一仍属缝隙的市场供应相关技术仍有不少物流挑战。

    US carmakers are struggling to reconcile customers " growing interest in running vehicles on newly abundant natural gas with the logistical challenges of supplying the technology for the still-niche market , according to senior automotive executives .