
  1. 那次事故以后的日子我记不大清楚了。

    I remember little of the days that followed the accident .

  2. 在他离开奶酪C站以后的日子里,一切都改变了。

    But that had changed in the days since he had left Cheese Station C.

  3. 报告称,尽管总体薪酬更高的CEO的确有可能在以后的日子里表现不佳,不过那些接受较低薪水的CEO也有可能获得更高的股权收益和业绩。

    While the executives who received higher total paydays were likely to underperform going forward , they wrote , those who actually did receive lower pay packages were likely to achieve improved stock returns and performance .

  4. 我死了,我的家人以后的日子可怎么过啊。

    How 's my family ever gonna get by without me .

  5. 爬下楼梯,开始过以后的日子。

    Then climb down and begin the rest of your life .

  6. 在以后的日子里,这仍将是我的口号。

    And that will remain my motto in the days ahead .

  7. 在以后的日子里,闪电像是心碎了。

    In the days that followed , Lightning seemed heart-broken .

  8. 我相信,以后的日子里我们一定还会再次携手并战。

    I believe we will fight shoulder to shoulder in the future .

  9. 以后的日子,他也没有再来。

    On the following day he did not come .

  10. 祝福你们在以后的日子里万事如意。

    I wish you the best of everything for all the years ahead .

  11. 我以后的日子都会担心他的。

    I 'll worry the rest of my life .

  12. 还会在以后的日子里送给你。

    Card * That should be sent , to you the following year .

  13. 在以后的日子里,我时常会想起爸爸给我上的这堂课。

    In the years that followed I often remembered the lesson Father taught me .

  14. 在以后的日子里还要继续努力才可以呀!

    And I will hard in the later !

  15. 因为以后的日子对你来说已不再有意义。

    Cos the days no matter no more .

  16. 以后的日子会更好

    Things are going to get much better .

  17. 在以后的日子我将有我新的生活方式和生活节奏。

    In later days I will have my new lifestyle and the pace of life .

  18. 人们希望在以后的日子里可以赚到更多的钱。

    And people hope they will be able to earn more money in the future .

  19. 在他的以后的日子里,他一直是神的忠心的先知。

    Throughout the rest of his life , Elisha remained a faithful prophet of God .

  20. 让我给你一个挑战,在以后的日子,每周背熟一节经句。

    I challenge you to memorize one verse a week for the rest of your life .

  21. 但在我们以后的日子时,度假计划要由我来安排,行吗?

    But for the rest of our lives , I 'm planning the vacation , okay ?

  22. 并且,我期待在以后的日子里与你们继续交谈。

    And I look forward to continuing our conversation in the weeks and months to come .

  23. 希望在以后的日子里能更多的相互了解。

    A : I hope we can understand each other better in the days to come .

  24. 在以后的日子里,我将带领大家进入一片美食天地。

    In the future days , I will lead you to a world of delicious food .

  25. 以后的日子里面你都可以告诉她你怎么做的。

    Then all the rest of your life you can tell her how you did it .

  26. 在这次考试中我知道了自己的不足,在以后的日子里,我知道了如何去做。

    But through this test I know my lacking and what to do in the following days .

  27. 把我压得喘不过气来我不想以后的日子都被这些束缚着

    I don 't want to be limited by all that for the rest of my life .

  28. 如果我们能从失败中得到教训,那么在以后的日子里,我们就可以避免犯同样的错误。

    If we can learn from failure , then we will avoid such problem in the coming days .

  29. 如果你赚的钱没有达到应有的水平,你以后的日子可能会不好过。

    If you are not making the money you are supposed to , you will probably be miserable .

  30. 那是一个将在我以后的日子嵌入我心中的一个组织。

    That 's an organization that will be embedded in my heart for the rest of my life .