
  • 网络e-business;electronic business;electronic enterprise;e Business
  1. 此部分为企业的实际操作流程,总结了一电子企业十几年的废弃物回收处理经验得出,颇具价值。(3)研究了基于AHP和模糊综合评价法的逆向物流管理方法选择研究。

    This part is the actual business operation process , a summary of e-business over ten years experience in waste recycling come , as the reference value . ( 3 ) The AHP based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the method of choice of reverse logistics management .

  2. 若他们决定要将焦点放在一些区隔市场里,他们是否可创造电子企业智慧的市场?

    If they decide to focus on a few segments , can they create the market of e-business intelligence ?

  3. 中小电子企业MES研究与开发

    Research and Development of MES in Small and Medium Enterprises of Electronic Appliances

  4. 绿色电子企业评定对18家主要的个人电脑、手机、TV和游戏机制造商依据其针对产品所含有害化学物质、产品回收和产品对气候影响所采取的政策进行评分。

    The guide ranks the18 top manufacturers of personal computers , mobile phones , TV 's and games consoles according to their policies on toxic chemicals , recycling and climate change .

  5. LPS公司于1995年由一家全球知名跨国企业与国内一家电子企业合资兴建,生产表面安装半导体元器件。

    LPS is a joint-venture by a famous multinational company and a home state-own-enterprise founding in 1995 , who produces surface mounting semiconductor device .

  6. 日本消费电子企业索尼(Sony)从上世纪70年代就开始在纽约证券交易所(NYSE)二次上市,对索尼在美国的扩张起到了帮助。

    Sony , the Japanese consumer electronics group , has had a secondary listing on the New York Stock Exchange since 1970 – a move that helped boost its expansion in the US .

  7. 境况不佳的台湾电子企业明基(BenQ)将剥离其品牌业务,重新将重点放在代工生产方面,以实现扭亏为盈。

    BenQ , the troubled Taiwanese electronics company , is to shed its brand business and refocus on contract manufacturing in an effort to return to profitability .

  8. 汽车电子企业通过资本运作实现规模扩张的研究

    Study on Expanding The Size of Auto Electronics by Capital Operation

  9. 最后预测台商电子企业投资战略变化发展的趋势。

    Finally , forecasted the investment trend of Taiwanese electronic manufactories .

  10. 如何搞好电子企业规范化管理

    How to do Well Electronics Enterprise Standardized Management

  11. 电子企业质量管理信息化规划与实践(1)

    To Program and Practise information of Quality Management in Electronic Enterprise Quality ( 1 );

  12. 基于电子企业生产者责任制实施的激励机制设计

    Optimal Designment of Incentive Mechanism Based on the Implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility of Electronic Manufacturer

  13. 寻求较知名的教育产业集团和电子企业合作。

    We are welcome to variedly cooperation with the group of education and the electronic enterprises .

  14. 深圳开发科技公司是深圳诸多电子企业的一个缩影,是一个典型的外向型企业。

    Shenzhen Kaifa Technology , like many electronic manufacturing firms in Shenzhen , is an export-oriented company .

  15. 但有意思的是:实体企业并没有就此淡出历史舞台,而是与电子企业快乐地共存了许多年。

    But then a funny thing happened : For years brick-and-mortar companies happily coexisted with their e-rivals .

  16. 与其它品牌电子企业相比,苹果的制造合作伙伴相对较少,通过支付溢价获得密切合作。

    Apple works with fewer manufacturing partners than other branded electronic companies , paying a premium for close cooperation .

  17. 电子企业需要让替换零部件、升级和保修变得更容易。

    Electronics companies need to make it easier to offer replacement parts , upgrades and improved warranty plans , he says .

  18. 本文研究内容包括了成都东郊国有军工电子企业的背景、优势与劣势;

    The article included the background , the advantages and disadvantages of the state-owned military electronics enterprises located in the eastern Chengdu .

  19. 因此,作为案例,研究一个电子企业的技术改造项目的可行性是具有代表意义的。

    Further , being a case , it possesses representative meaning that it researches the feasibility of technology reformation item of electronic enterprise .

  20. 在分析国内电子企业元器件管理中存在问题的基础上,建立了基于产品数据管理的元器件库模型。

    A model of electronic components based on PDM is established , effectively addressing current problems of domestic enterprises on electronic component managements .

  21. 例如,日本的电子企业能在美国市场上持续繁荣,恰恰就是因为这些企业把装配线转移到了中国。

    For example , Japanese electronics companies continue to flourish in American markets precisely because they have moved their assembly lines to China .

  22. 本文从经济全球化的视角出发,着重分析了电子企业应当如何设计并选择适合行业自身特点的若干个采购战略。

    From the view of development of economy globalization , the paper analyses that what kind of purchasing strategy the electronic enterprises should choose .

  23. 但据分析师表示,其它用户,比如手机和消费电子企业用户,现在才刚刚开始行动。

    But others , such as those in the mobile phone and consumer electronics businesses , are just now starting to act , according to analysts .

  24. 结果表明经研制的刀具补偿模块在南京四开电子企业的五轴联动数控机床上得到较好应用。

    The result shows that the module of tool compensation that we developed has a good application in the five-axis CNC machines of Sky Co. in Nanjing .

  25. 环保倡导组织&国际绿色和平组织(荷兰、阿姆斯特丹)在其第十四届绿色电子企业评定中将诺基亚排在了第一位。

    Environmental lobby organization Greenpeace International ( Amsterdam , The Netherlands ) has kept Nokia at the top of its Greener Electronics Guide as it moved into its fourteenth edition .

  26. 当今电子企业要在竞争激烈的市场上取得更大的发展,售后服务水平已成为许多企业开展差异化竞争的手段,它的高低已成为企业是否具备竞争力的重要因素。

    Nowadays electronics companies hope to achieve greater development in highly competitive markets , they should take service level as competition means . Because the level of service has become an important competitive factor for the companies develop .

  27. B2C电子商务企业如何提升顾客让渡价值的思考与分析

    The Reflection on Improving Customer Delivered Value for B2C E-commerce Enterprises

  28. 信息电子产业企业合作RD动机新探&对产品兼容性和互通性的追逐

    Study from a New Angle on Motives for Cooperative RD in Information and Electronic Industry

  29. 本文以信显电子公司企业资源计划(ERP)系统规划与实施为背景,对其信息化建设进行分析研究。

    This paper do the research and analysis on the background of the planning of Xinxian Electronics Company 's ERP system design and implementation .

  30. 中国C2C电子商务企业市场竞争战略研究

    China C2C E-commerce Enterprise 's Market Competition Strategic Research