
  • 网络Voice Recognition;sound recognition
  1. 网上有人批评说,Siri的声音识别能力比不上其他一些语音助理,比如安卓的语音助理。但对我们有些人来说,这是个特点,而不是缺陷。

    Online critics have claimed that Siri 's voice recognition is not as accurate as the assistant in , say , the Android , but for some of us , this is a feature , not a bug .

  2. 由于《爱上爱》这款游戏有声音识别软件,所以SAL9000可以和妻子交谈,甚至可以和她玩石头、剪子、布等简单的游戏。

    As the game " Love Plus " has voice recognition software , SAL9000 says it 's possible to have a sort of conversation with Nene or even play simple games such as rock , paper , scissors .

  3. 基于DSP芯片实现的异常声音识别系统

    The implementation of exceptional sound recognition system working in DSP

  4. 论文着重阐述了有关声音识别,机器人控制以及CCD图像采集等方面的内容。

    The paper emphasizes on the content of voice identification , robot controlling and CCD video collection .

  5. 仓储物害虫声音识别研究中的Madaline神经网降噪

    Noise reduction for warehouse insects by Madaline neural network in automatic classification based on voice-pattern recognition technology research

  6. 基于声音识别的气味发生装置设计与实现

    Design and Applying of Odor Generating Device Based on Voice Recognition

  7. 联机数据库服务、声音识别及合成系统。

    On-line database service , and voice recognition and synthesis .

  8. 声音识别分析员已经确认

    Voice recognition analysts have confirmed that it is

  9. 另一种基于行为特征:签字识别和声音识别。

    The other establishes the behavior features : signature dynamics verification and voice verification .

  10. 那边有声音识别系统吗?

    Was there any voice recognition ?

  11. 说话人识别是指通过声音识别一个人的身份。

    Speaker Recognition is determining the identity of a person by means of his / hervoice .

  12. 车辆的声音识别技术

    Acoustics recognition technique for vehicle

  13. 一些基本的图形和声音识别功能也属于这一类。

    Likewise the apparatus for the more elementary analysis of shapes and sounds probably comes into this category .

  14. 常见的生物识别技术包括掌纹识别,指纹识别,声音识别,虹膜识别等等。

    Common biometrics includes palmprint recognition , fingerprint recognition , voice recognition , iris recognition , and so on .

  15. 这里是许多人工智能应用的孕育基地,比如安保领域、声音识别领域以及深度学习领域等。

    The hub is home to various AI applications such as security and protection , voice recognition and deep learning .

  16. 利用快速傅里叶变换和动态时间规整算法在海上监测软件平台中添加编制了具有功能易用性的声音识别软件界面。

    Besides , functional recognition software with a friendly interface using fast Fourier transform and dynamic time warping algorithm is developed .

  17. 目前,已被应用到人们日常工作、生活中的生物特征的身份识别方法主要有人脸识别、指纹识别和声音识别等。

    Now , several biometrics that have been used commercially for human identity verification are facial geometry , fingerprints and voice analysis .

  18. 翻译文字在经过声音识别和翻译软件的处理后会立刻生成,并能像电影“字幕”一样及时有效地呈现给正在交谈的两个人。

    The text provided instantly through voice recognition and translation programmes would effectively provide movie-like'subtitles'during a conversation between two people wearing the glasses .

  19. 通过在数据可视化、物体图像识别数据库、人脸识别数据库、声音识别数据库上的实验证明该方法的有效性。

    Experimental results on data visualization , object recognition database , face recognition database and spoken letter recognition database demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach .

  20. 制作了以车辆运动声音识别技术为基础的车辆检测器雏形机并进行了一系列的实地实验。

    A base machine of vehicle monitor was built based on the acoustics recognition technique of vehicle ' motion . Series experiments were carried out on it .

  21. 研究人员将会集中研究如何利用签名、指纹、虹膜信息、面相和声音识别等来确认网络使用者身分。

    Researchers will study how to use signatures , fingerprints , iris patterns , face recognition technology and voice scans to confirm the identity of computer users .

  22. 本文分析了软硬件方案的优缺点,考虑到采用硬件方案进行声音识别适用于本系统。

    After analyzed the relative merits of software and hardware plan , we propose to use the hardware plan to carry on the sound recognition for this system .

  23. 对车辆声音识别技术的研究在语音识别技术的基础上起步。

    The thesis including the following sections : ( 1 ) Acoustics recognition technique of vehicle ' motion can be built upon the base of voice recognition technique .

  24. 异常声音识别是声音识别系统中的一种,是应用音频波形中反映异常声音的特征参数,自动识别异常声音的一种技术。

    As one of the audio surveillance system , abnormal audio recognition is the process of automatically recognizing which is based on the features included in abnormal sound waveform .

  25. 要确保声音识别正常工作,请完成培训,方法为:在“工具”菜单上单击“语音”,然后按照培训向导中的说明进行操作。

    To ensure that speech recognition works correctly , complete the training by clicking speech on the tools menu , and then follow the instructions in the training wizard .

  26. 车辆声音识别装置具有体积小、重量轻、造价低、便于设置和可以全天候工作等特点。

    The experimantal device is small in volume , light in weight , low in cost , It is convenient to set up , and can work in any weather , etc.

  27. 生物识别技术是根据人体的自身所固有的生物或者行动特征来进行身份识别,如:声音识别、指纹识别、人脸识别、视网膜识别等等。

    Biometric recognition technique according to the human 's behavioral or inherent characteristic is applied to distinguish one 's identification , such as voice , fingerprint , face and retina recognition .

  28. 本论文设计了一个集声音识别与图像监控于一体的无线遥控机器人系统。该机器人控制系统包括了机器人本体、无线通信系统、微波通信系统、声音遥控电路等部分。

    This paper designs a wireless remote robot system with voice identification and video inspect This robot control system include robot , wireless communication system , microwave communication system and voice remote circuit .

  29. 它与其他生物特征识别技术(指纹识别,面部识别,声音识别等)相比具有以下几个特点:稳定性、高可靠性和非接触性。

    Compared with the other biological characteristic recognitions ( fingerprint recognition , facial recognition voice recognition , etc. ) , Iris recognition has the following characteristics : stability , high reliability , non-contact .

  30. 该装置的声音识别系统非常灵敏,甚至好像可以理解我的英国口音。但是,一旦你离开超强的无线网络,所有事情都变得困难许多。

    The voice recognition in the device is very smart - and even seems to understand my English accent - but again , once you leave a strong wi-fi connection , everything seems to become a little harder .