
  • 网络Vocal Cord Paralysis;vocal fold paralysis;paralysis of vocal cord
  1. CO2激光单侧杓状软骨次全切除术治疗双侧外展性声带麻痹

    CO_2 laser endoscopic subtotal arytenoidectomy for bilateral median vocal cord paralysis

  2. 术后并发Horner综合征3例,声带麻痹5例,面瘫3例。

    The complications after operation were Horner syndrome ( 3 cases ), vocal cord paralysis ( 5 cases ) and facial nerve palsy ( 3 cases ) .

  3. 结果表明:一侧或双侧声带麻痹对基频(F0)的影响不恒定,有的升高、有的下降;

    The results showed that unilateral or bilateral paralyses had an inconsistent .

  4. 这名40岁的CEO在公司旗下Google+社交网站上的一篇帖子中写道,他被诊断患有一种非常罕见的声带麻痹症。

    In a post on the company 's Google + social networking service , the 40-year-old CEO wrote that he had been diagnosed with a ' very rare ' case of vocal-chord paralysis .

  5. 一侧和双侧声带麻痹对F0、真声音域及假声音域的影响是一致的,经统计学处理无显著性差异。

    However , the effects of unilateral and bilateral paralyses on F0 , and the chest and head voice ranges were similar .

  6. 方法:对病程不同的32例甲状腺手术所致单侧声带麻痹患者进行LEMG和LSEP检测并分析与临床预后的关系。

    Methods : LEMG and LSEP were determined in patients with unilateral vocal cord paralysis caused by thyroid surgery .

  7. 痉挛性发音障碍与声带麻痹的关系

    A probe into the relationship between spasmodic dysphonia and laryngeal paralysis

  8. 368例声带麻痹病因分析

    Retrospective Study on Etiology of 368 Patients with Vocal Fold Paralysis

  9. 气管插管致声带麻痹病因分析及治疗

    Pathogenesis and Treatment of Vocal Cord Paralysis due to Endotracheal Intubation

  10. 突发声带麻痹为首发症状的甲状腺恶性肿瘤

    Thyroid malignant tumor with flare up glottic paralysis for first symptom

  11. 喉骨架外科手术治疗双侧声带麻痹进展

    Research Progress of Laryngeal Framework Surgery Treating Bilateral Vocal Cords Paralysis

  12. 喉返神经修复手术治疗声带麻痹

    Repair of recurrent laryngeal nerve injuries or reinnervation for laryngeal paralysis

  13. 高频超声与喉镜诊断声带麻痹的对照研究

    Ultrasonographic diagnosis of vocal cord paralysis : Comparison with laryngoscope

  14. 多系统萎缩伴双侧声带麻痹1例报道

    Multiple System Atrophy with Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis : A Case Report

  15. 单侧声带麻痹嗓音计算机声学分析

    Acoustic Analysis in Patients With Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis by Computer Technique

  16. 杓状软骨内移术对改善声带麻痹患者发音功能的作用

    Effect of arytenoid adduction operation for vocal function of laryngeal palsy patients

  17. 肌电图检查估价声带麻痹预后的初步研究

    A preliminary study of the prognostic role of electromyography in vocal cord paralysis

  18. 目的提高对声带麻痹病因及临床表现的认识。

    Objectives To recognize the etiology and clinical presentation of vocal cord paralysis .

  19. 甲状腺摘除术后发音障碍70例中,58例为声带麻痹;

    Of 70 cases of dysphonia of post thyroidectomy suffered from vocal paralysis .

  20. 声带麻痹(附155例分析)

    Vocal cord Paralysis ( Report of 155 cases )

  21. 喉头声带麻痹电刺激康复治疗(333例)

    333 cases of vocal cord paralysis treated with electric stimulation ( Abstract )

  22. 结果:由颈、胸部肿瘤引起声带麻痹14例;

    Result : Fourteen cases with VCP were caused by neck and thoracic tumor ;

  23. 老年单侧声带麻痹病因分析(附51例报告)

    Cause of unilateral vocal cord paralysis in aged ( report of 51 cases )

  24. 电起搏动态治疗单侧声带麻痹有待进一步研究。

    Electrical pacing for dynamic treatment of unilateral vocal cord paralysis needs further study .

  25. 双侧声带麻痹致Ⅰ度和Ⅱ度呼吸困难声门测量

    Glottic measurement in dyspnea degree ⅰ and ⅱ caused by adult bilateral vocal cord paralysis

  26. 声带麻痹的影像诊断

    Imaging Diagnosis of Vocal Cord Paralysis

  27. 针灸推拿加中药治疗声带麻痹临床观察

    The clinical observation on the therapy of glottic paralysis by acupuncture and massage combined with traditional Chinese medicine

  28. 结果:1例术后曾出现声嘶,左侧声带麻痹,经对症治疗后治愈。

    Result : One case of trachyphonia due to left vocal cord paralysis was cured by symptomatic treatment .

  29. 本文用诱发肌电图试验方法检查了333例声带麻痹患者,并用电刺激的方法进行了治疗。

    333 cases of vocal cord paralysis were examined with evoked EMG test and treated with electric stimulation .

  30. 结论老年人声嘶主要病因为喉癌与声带麻痹。

    [ Conclusion ] Carcinoma of larynx and paralysis of vocal cord are the causes of hoarseness in aged .