
  1. 驾驶人频繁变更车道不属于驾驶陋习。

    It is not a bad habit for a driver to frequently change lanes .

  2. 快车道行驶的车辆可以不变更车道右转弯。

    When passing an intersection , the vehicles in the fast lane may not change lane for a right turn .

  3. 驾驶人在观察后方无来车的情况下,未开转向灯就变更车道也是合理的。

    If the driver finds there is no vehicle following , he can change lanes without turning on the turn signal .

  4. 驾驶车辆在交叉路口前变更车道时,应在虚线区按导向箭头指示驶入要变更的车道。

    When a vehicle changes lane before an intersection , the driver should do so in the area marked by broken lines as indicated by the guide arrow .

  5. 在设计算法的同时,对影响系统检测可靠性的部分典型问题,如车辆阴影问题、拥挤情况下的车辆分割问题以及变更车道车辆的检测问题都提出了解决方案,并设计了相应的处理算法。

    During designing algorithms , the solutions of some typical problems affecting the reliability of detection , such as vehicle shadow , vehicle separation in the condition of jam , vehicle detection of turning roadway , are put forward .