
dìng lì
  • contract;enter into;conclude;make;complete;clinch
订立 [dìng lì]
  • [conclude;contract;complete;clinch] 用书面形式肯定条约、合同等

  • 订立条约

  • 订立合同

订立[dìng lì]
  1. 但由于各种原因,我国出口商与外国买家订立的绝大多数是FOB合同。

    However due to various reasons , exporters of China mostly conclude FOB contracts .

  2. 许多专家给出建议,对外贸易中,为更好地保护自己的利益,我国的出口商(卖方)最好与国外买家订立CIF合同。

    Many experts suggest that exporters ( sellers ) of China should conclude contracts on CIF terms with foreign buyers to better protect their interests in international trade .

  3. 这个党试图把订立的目标综合为一个政治方案。

    The party attempted to assemble its aims into a focussed political project .

  4. 我还没有和他们订立任何财务协定。

    I have not entered into any financial agreements with them

  5. 该条约是在平等的基础上订立的。

    The treaty was concluded on equal terms .

  6. 规章制度一经订立,不应成为一纸虚文。

    Rules and regulations , once set up , should not be turned into a dead letter .

  7. 中美两国通过长期谈判后订立了一项双边贸易协定。

    China and the United States concluded [ entered into ] a bilateral trade agreement after long negotiations .

  8. 我店已与服装公司订立了每周购进100件上装的合同。

    Our shop has made [ entered into ] a contract with a clothing firm to buy 100 coats a week .

  9. 这位妇女声称她与这个囚犯曾订立婚约,但他已经有了妻子。

    The woman claims that she contracted a form of marriage with the prisoner , who already has a wife .

  10. 领导供应商预选,筛选,议价及合同的订立

    Lead supplier pre-selection , selection , price negotiation , contract finalization .

  11. 发包方和承包方应当订立承包合同,约定双方的权利和义务。

    The contractees and contractors should sign land use contracts to define each other 's rights and obligations .

  12. 第十四条农民集体所有的土地由本集体经济组织的成员承包经营,从事种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业生产。土地承包经营期限为三十年。发包方和承包方应当订立承包合同,约定双方的权利和义务。

    Article 14 Land collectively owned by peasant shall be contracted out to members of the collective economic organizations for use in crop farming , forestry to define each other 's rights and obligations .

  13. 因为对于SOA并没有一个单一的,明确的资源,所以SOA这个术语被多方征用来代表他们的利益或安排,就像其它有计划而明确订立的标准一样的问题。

    Since there is no single , definitive resource regarding SOA , the term SOA has been commandeered to represent the interests and agendas of many ; such is the problem of de jure standards .

  14. 选择使用服务提供者提供的某个服务(如,在仔细地查过UDDI注册方以后)的服务请求者预订使用该服务并订立合同。

    Service requestors that have chosen to use one of the service providers services ( e.g.after exploring the UDDI registry ), subscribe and contract the usage .

  15. 印度最大的石油集团正与英国石油(BP)展开谈判,计划收购后者的越南资产。BP目前正朝着墨西哥湾漏油事件发生后订立的100亿美元资产出售目标迈进。

    India 's largest oil group is in talks with BP to buy its Vietnamese assets as the UK company works towards the $ 10bn of sales it has targeted in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill .

  16. 最后,本文对成飞公司CIMS项目实施情况与项目实施前所订立的目标进行了对比,对发现的问题进行了总结,对有关CIMS项目的一些重要问题作了深入的再思考。

    In the end , the thesis compared the implementation of the ChengFei CIMS project with the project objectives , summarized the problems thus identified , and reconsidered some important issues concerning the CIMS project .

  17. 按照新的机制,使用swift网络处理衍生品交易和外汇市场及货币市场交易的银行,可订立相关条款,指定它们的离岸人民币交易须遵守一项特别的“中断事件协定”。

    Under the new mechanism , banks using the swift network to process transactions in foreign exchange markets , money markets , and derivatives can specify that their offshore renminbi trades are subject to a special " disruption event agreement " .

  18. Audro生物科技公司与詹森强生公司的子公司,詹森生物科技公司订立了第二份合作协议,授予后者排他性的、世界范围内的许可,基于其创新的LADD免疫治疗平台,来生产设计用来治疗肺癌和其他癌症的候选产品。

    Aduro BioTech has entered into its second agreement with Janssen Biotech , Inc. , part of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson , granting an exclusive , worldwide license to certain product candidates engineered for the treatment of lung cancer and certain other cancers based on its novel LADD immunotherapy platform .

  19. 浅谈教师聘任合同的订立、解除与终止

    On the Formation , Discharge and Termination of Teachers ' Contract

  20. 论保险合同订立时的信息披露义务

    Discuss " Information Disclosure Obligation " in Concluding an Insurance Contract

  21. 并在订立合同时未与相对方协商的条款;

    And a contract did not consult with the relative terms ;

  22. 从实践看,许多争议都是在劳动合同订立时隐藏下来的。

    In practice , there are many arguments during the concluding contract .

  23. 他们所能想到的极限不过达到订立协约和联盟而已。

    At the utmost their minds reached out to alliances and leagues .

  24. 当事人可以通过订立合同去创设自己的权利义务。

    Through making a contract , parties form their rights and obligations .

  25. 用人单位与劳动者订立和解除劳动合同的情况;

    The conclusion and discharge of labor contracts by employers and workers ;

  26. 三是订立的保险合同是否有效?

    Third , is this insurance contract valid or not ?

  27. 报名须填写报名登记表,并订立合作意向书。

    Fill in the registration form and signing cooperation letter of intent .

  28. 订立一个有条件的保证也是可能的,她说。

    It is also possible to make a conditional pledge , she .

  29. 订立合同的年、月、日。

    Day , month and year of the signing of the contract .

  30. 愿意就相互移交逃犯订立规定;

    Desiring to make provision for the reciprocal surrender of fugitive offenders ;