
dìnɡ huò hé tonɡ
  • Order contract;indented deed;contract job
  1. 计算机在订货合同管理中的应用

    Application of computer in order contract

  2. 由于贵公司交货延误时间太长,我们已取消了订货合同,特此通知。

    Due to your excessive delay in delivery , we notify you of our cancellation of contract .

  3. 对于顾客有特殊要求的订货合同,企业应严格进行合同评审,并针对特殊合同制订相应的质量计划,以确保满足顾客的要求。

    Enterprises should assess the special order contract and work out a quality project to satisfy the customer .

  4. 还对工程设计中与电气相关的问题以及空冷设备订货合同谈判中应注意的问题作了说明。

    The problems of notice in engineering design and in negotiation of order contract for air-cooled equipment are analyzed and explained .

  5. 本协议双方签字后,作为产品订货合同附件,与商务合同同时生效。

    This agreement as the attachment of business contract will become effective upon the same time when business contract is signed .

  6. 该模型综合考虑了订货合同、钢种、宽度及厚度等约束条件,为钢卷入库选择合理垛位提供了一种行之有效的解决方法。

    Many constraints are considered in the model , such as sale order , steel-grade , width and thickness of the coil , etc.

  7. 月19日函悉,感谢贵公司寄来500件衬衣的第123号订货合同。

    We have received your letter of May 19 , and thank you for your S / C No.123 for 500 pieces of shirts .

  8. 注:可采用其他有关标准和国外标准,法兰尺寸可按用户要求制造,但应在订货合同中写明。

    Note : May use other related is stand and the overseas standard , The Flange size may according to the user request manufacture , but shout .

  9. 应逐步推行和完善军品生产订货合同制,取消驻厂军代表制。

    Thecontract system for the military production orders should be graduallypushed forward and perfected , while the system of the resident militaryrepresentative in the factory should be abolished .

  10. 审核科研生产单位与军方签订的科研生产合同,协调、监督、检查订货合同的执行,保障军事装备的生产供应;

    Examining and verifying contracts in respect of scientific research and production between the military and the producers ; coordinating , supervising and inspecting execution of ordering contracts so as to ensure the produc-tion and supply of military equipment ;

  11. 把订货的合同进行交易的场所。对这批订货能否破例接受承兑交单?

    A commodity exchange where futures contracts are traded . Could you make an exception and accept D / A for this order ?

  12. 为了避免库存积压风险和市场波动风险,供应链下游订货商倾向于制定订货数量较小的合同。

    In order to avoid the stock risk and market fluctuations risk , buyers on supply chain are inclined to making a contract with the less quantity order .