
dìng yuē
  • Contract;engage;close;enter into an agreement;conclude a bargain;conclude a treaty
订约 [dìng yuē]
  • [close;conclude a treaty] 订立条约或契约

  • 在我能同新雇主订约以前

订约[dìng yuē]
  1. 他最初订约给一位律师当学徒。

    He was initially articled to a solicitor .

  2. 使缩短vi.收缩;感染;订约我们店约定与一家当地服装公司每星期购买100件外套。

    contract Our shop contracted with a local clothing firm for 100 coats a week .

  3. 决定由于他六点还没到此,我推断他误点了。vt.感染;订约;

    conclude As he didn 't get here at six , I concluded that he had been delayed .

  4. 全国银行平均贷款和贴现订约利率

    Average contracted interest rates on loans and discounts of all banks

  5. 该建筑师订约以一定的造价承造那些房子。

    The architect contracted to build the houses at a fixed price .

  6. 他们已经订约在6月之前提供机器。

    They had contracted to supply the machinery by june .

  7. 论以订约目的为依据的合同分类

    On the contract classification based on the purpose of bargaining

  8. 高先生给格林先生的办公室打电话订约会。

    Mr. Gao calls Mr. Green 's office to make an appointment .

  9. 有的税款必须以货币形式交纳,收款由严密监控的私人订约者承办。

    Money taxes were collected for the government by strictly-controlled private contractors .

  10. 略论期租下订约方所面临的燃油争议及其避免

    On the Dispute Faced by the Contracted Parties Under the Time Charter Party

  11. 我们与厂家订约,要他经常供应货物。

    We bargained with the producer for a constant supply of the articles .

  12. 他订约按期供给我煤。

    He contracted to supply me with coal regularly .

  13. 其次,讨论了电子合同中未成年人欺诈订约的问题。

    Secondly , the author discussed the fraudulence of making an E-contract by minors .

  14. 订约方协议之另一方。

    Counterparty The other party to an agreement .

  15. 将电子合同中的未成年人欺诈订约分为了两种情形,明确了此时未成年人电子欺诈订约的合同效力问题。

    There is two different kind of fraudulence of making an E-contract by minors .

  16. 不速之客偶然来访或订约会的人。

    One who casually drops in , as to visit or obtain an appointment .

  17. 你如果想参与此计划就得订约加人。

    You have to contract in if you want to participate in the scheme .

  18. 他已订约,承包建造此桥。

    He has contracted to build the bridge .

  19. 国际货运代理的订约自由

    International Freight Forwarders Freedom of Contract

  20. 付款人为虚构之人或无订约能力之人;

    Where the drawee is a fictitious person or a person not having capacity to contract ;

  21. 每一个参与者与中央订约方之间的双边轧差形成了多边轧差余额。

    The multilateral net position represents the bilateral net position between each participant and the central counterparty .

  22. 因此认购书具有买卖合同的订约程序和独立合同的双重地位。

    Therefore , subscription book bears a duel nature both as a pre-contract and an independent contract .

  23. 以订约目的为标准对合同进行分类具有理论与现实意义。

    The classification based on the purpose of bargaining has important bearing on the theory and reality .

  24. 从航次租船合同订约的过程来看,双方当事人在租船合同法律关系中的地位和命运很大程度上掌握在自己的手上。

    In the contracting process , the position and destiny of chartering parties largely master in their own hand .

  25. 爱国公约所包含的内容相当广泛,是各订约单位的一种具体的爱国行动纲领。

    Patriotic convention contains a wide field . It is a concrete program of action of patriotism contracting units .

  26. 订约会或安排聚会可以在几天前预先约好或当时就讲定。

    Setting a date or arranging to get together may be done several days in advance or agreed on spontaneously .

  27. 我们通过分析智力资本的价值维度和智力资本产出的可订约性维度,提出了智力资本化分析矩阵。

    After analyzing value dimension and contractibility dimension of intellectual capital incentive schemes , it puts forward the intellectual capitalization matrix .

  28. 订约时应先确定订约者之身分,如身分证、外侨居留证或护照等证明文件之提示。

    Be sure to confirm the identities of each party by his / her ID , Alien Resident Certificate or Passport .

  29. 相对谈判订约方式,联邦法案更偏爱密封投标,密封投标比竞争性建议更具优势如果。

    Federal regulations give preference to sealed bidding over contracting by negotiation , that is sealed bids over competitive proposals , if .

  30. 点击合同是一种完全电子化的,通过软件完成订约的格式合同。

    The click-wrap contract is a kind of complete computerized contract of standard form , which achieves the electronic transaction through internet software .