
  • 网络expectation interest;expected interests;executory interest
  1. 其中,期待利益居于原则性地位,信赖利益居于补充地位,信赖利益主要存在于利润难于确定场合和亏本合同场合。

    The expectation interest is of principle and the reliance interest is supplementary .

  2. 美国合同法将合同利益分为返还利益、信赖利益和期待利益。

    The U.S. Law divided contract interests into three parts : the restitution interest , the reliance interest , and the expectation interest .

  3. 同时,本文不主张满足原告对期待利益的损失赔偿要求和惩罚性赔偿,但是对公司CEO和CFO参与虚假陈述的行为例外,可以要求惩罚性赔偿。

    This article does not support the idea of expectation damages remedy and punitive damages one in stock market , while it propose a punitive damages by CEO and CFO of listed company in misrepresentation .

  4. 合同责任制度也不再仅保护期待利益。

    Contract responsibility system also does not only protect the expectation interests .

  5. 违约损害赔偿的计算基础有二,一是期待利益,一是信赖利益;

    The basis of assessment includes the expectation and the reliance interest .

  6. 违约损害赔偿以期待利益为最高赔偿范围,同时应接受可预见性的限制。

    Damages of breach contracts are between the expectation interests and predictability loss .

  7. 损害事实包括现实权益损害和期待利益损害。

    The latter includes the damage of practical rights and that of expectant interests .

  8. 期待利益落空理论和公司社会责任理论是公司僵局司法救济的理论基础。公司僵局纠纷的司法救济途径有司法强制解散和强制股权置换等。

    Frustration of purpose and social responsibility is the theoretical foundation of judicial assistance of corporation deadlock .

  9. 财产保险利益主要可分为现有利益、期待利益和责任利益三类。

    Property insurable interest is divided into the present benefits , the prospect benefits and the responsible benefits .

  10. 期待利益认定的基本计算方法是从司法实践上考察,在具体的案例当中如何计算债权人的期待利益。

    How to calculate the anticipatory benefit of creditors in specific cases is the focus of the basic calculation .

  11. 它规定高级经理人不得篡夺公司拥有利益或期待利益之机会。

    It establishes that senior managers have the duty of not to usurp the opportunities of the corporation they serve for .

  12. 完整的合同解除责任应该包括合同返还责任、合同信赖利益保护、合同期待利益保护等内容。

    Integrated contract rescission shall include contract refund liability , protection of contractual reliance interest , protection of legitimate contractual expectations etc.

  13. 合同解释的目的就是最大限度地、最接近地实现合同当事人签订合同的本意,由于它关系到当事人期待利益和合同价值的实现,从而成为合同制度中非常关键的一部分。

    What is the purpose of the interpretation of contracts is to try the best to realize the parties ' original intention .

  14. 本部分对现有利益、期待利益、责任利益及其特殊问题作出了认定和分析。其中对现有利益的认定和分析包括了所有权、抵押权、质权、留置权、用益物权、占有的认定与分析;

    This part identifies and analyzes the present interest , anticipated interest , liability interest and some special problems related to them .

  15. 如果用户因为邮件延误而造成了期待利益受损则应该获得相应的赔偿。

    If user caused the anticipation benefit because of the mail delay to suffer injury , then should obtain the corresponding compensation .

  16. 至于期待利益、信赖利益和纯经济损失,应归属于合同责任制度保护的范围。

    As for the expectation interests , trusty interest and pure economic loss , belongs to the contract responsibility system for the scope of protection .

  17. 违约获益赔偿责任具有威慑性,是期待利益损害赔偿责任的有益补充。

    The disgorgement damage for breach of contract does deter the opportunistic behaviors , and serves as a useful supplement of damages for interest in expectancy .

  18. 在很多情形下,侵害信用权行为导致信用权人信用等级降低、原本可以获得的机会利益、期待利益无法实现。

    Under most conditions , the credit infringement leads to the credit rate debasing , the opportunity benefit and expectation benefit probably obtained will be unfulfilled .

  19. 保护允诺对方的“期待利益”是美国合同法及美国违约救济制度的首要目标。

    The primary goal of the American Contract Law and the Remedies for Breach of Contract is to protect the " expectation interest " of the promisee .

  20. 通过分别赋予多数股东和少数股东不同的权利,最终实现法律对二者各自期待利益保护的平衡。

    The balance is finally achieved that the company law satisfies respectively expectant benefits both majority shareholders and minority shareholders by different rights accordance with this law .

  21. 美国违约救济制度中计算期待利益的基本方法是“完成约定履行所需成本法”和“价值减损法”。

    The basic measurement of the expectation interest provided in the Remedies for Breach of Contract is " cost of completion " and " diminished value " .

  22. 保险利益按不同的标准可以分为财产保险利益和人身保险利益,或者是现有利益、期待利益和责任利益。

    According to different criterions , insurable interest can be divided into property insurable interest and personal insurable interest , or present interest , anticipated interest and liability interest .

  23. 同时,由于有限责任公司具有人合属性,并且需要对其他股东的期待利益予以保护,有限责任公司股东对外转让股权具有其特殊性。

    And because of limited liability company have close nature and has to protect other shareholder expectation interests , the foreign equity transfer of limited liability company is special .

  24. 不可抗辩条款还体现了对信赖利益保护的原则,使得被保险人和受益人对于保险合同的期待利益和信赖利益更加稳定。

    Incontestable clause also embodies the principle of reliance protection , which makes the expectation interest and reliance interest to the insurance contract of the Insurant and beneficiary more stable .

  25. 合同损害赔偿有两种损害赔偿模式&违约责任下的期待利益的损害赔偿以及缔约过失责任下的信赖利益的损害赔偿。

    Contract damages have two kinds of modes : compensation for damage of anticipatory benefit in liability for breach of contract and fiduciary benefit damage compensation in contracting fault liability .

  26. 第一部分,主要从英美法系、大陆法系对期待利益和信赖利益的不同划分标准,结合我国立法对违约可得利益的规定来厘清三者在概念上的区分。

    The first part mainly discusses the concept of the attainable interest , expectation interest and reliance interest between common law , civil law and our legislation in different criteria for classification .

  27. 本章介绍了司法解散制度的理论基础,主要包括公司契约理论、期待利益落空理论、股东诚信义务理论、公平正义理论。

    This chapter presents the theoretical basis of dissolved system , including the company hopes to contract theory , the interests of shareholders of theory , the theory of justice , honesty obligations .

  28. 随着我国经济与政治制度的不断完善,法律对现实生活中各种利益冲突的调整和平衡作用日益得到加强,存在于活的法律中的期待利益也逐步得到承认。

    With the continuous improvement of economy and politics in china , law pay attention to regulating the conflict of interests and interest of contingent is recognized in the " live law " .

  29. 建立一种以期待利益损失补偿为主,劳动贡献积累、伤病补贴和惩罚性补偿为辅的辞退补偿制度;

    It is necessary to establish a compensation system with the main principle that the anticipant benefit loss , the assistant includes the labor contribution , the punishment and the allowance of the disability and disease .

  30. 合同法主要是对当事人受到的信赖利益或者期待利益(履行利益)的损失予以赔偿,侵权法则在于对当事人的固有利益予以保护。

    Contract law is mainly the compensation for losses whose interests of the dependence subject or expected benefits ( performance benefits ) is suffered . Tort law lies in the inherent interest of the parties to be protected .