
  1. 二是固有利益是否应当得到赔偿。

    2nd , Whether the inherent benefit would get compensation or not .

  2. 在传统民法中,履行利益受合同法保护,固有利益受侵权法保护。

    In traditional civil law , the two kinds of interest are protected respectively by contract law and tort law .

  3. 缔约过失责任是指在缔约过程中,一方当事人违反先契约义务,对相对方的固有利益与信赖利益造成损害时,应承担的赔偿责任。

    Culpa in contrahendo refers to the liability of one of the contracting parties for the damage of the interests of other parties due to its breach of the contracted duties .

  4. 文章将国外学者提出的战略利益相关者管理和固有利益相关者义务两种模型视作企业履行社会责任影响绩效的直接影响和驱动战略两种路径,由此建立本文的研究模型。

    This study will see the Strategic Stakeholder Management and Intrinsic Stakeholder Commitment as Direct Impact and Driving Strategy two route of CSR influencing corporate performance and constitute hypothesis and research model .

  5. 第三部分,本文认为加害给付损害特别是因其瑕疵肇致债权人固有利益损害的情形,得基于违约之诉主张,这样于债权人利益得周全保护而言,其优势较侵权之诉至为明显。

    So , all interests of creditors including interests of performance and inherent interests can be protected completely under the action of contract , which is superior to actions in tort more obviously .

  6. 最好的例证是纯经济损失和债权这两个公认不属固有利益的权益也纳入了侵权法的保护范围。

    The best example is the pure economic loss and claims the two recognized not of the rights and interests of the inherent interest will also be included in the scope of protection of tort law .

  7. 理论界对于缔约过失责任制度的保护范围素有争议,争议的主要焦点在于缔约过失责任制度是否保护固有利益和纯经济损失的问题。

    The liability for fault to a theory for the protection scope of the known as disputes that is the main focus of the liability for fault to protect natural interest and whether the pure economic loss .

  8. 合同法主要是对当事人受到的信赖利益或者期待利益(履行利益)的损失予以赔偿,侵权法则在于对当事人的固有利益予以保护。

    Contract law is mainly the compensation for losses whose interests of the dependence subject or expected benefits ( performance benefits ) is suffered . Tort law lies in the inherent interest of the parties to be protected .

  9. 但随着侵权理论、合同理论及司法实践的发展,侵权责任制度的保护范围已不再固守在固有利益的狭窄领域。

    But as the tort , contract theory and the theory of the development of the judicial practice , tort liability system no longer stuck in the scope of protection of the interests of the inherent in narrow fields .

  10. 归纳起来主要有固有利益和信赖利益结合说、信赖利益、固有利益和期待利益结合说、信赖利益说等三种观点。

    To sum up the main have " inherent benefit and the trusty interest combined with ", " faith benefit , inherent interest and looking forward to the interests combined with ", " faith benefit said . " on the three views .

  11. 在我国司法实践中,法院普遍对缔约过失责任制度的保护范围作宽泛理解,对于因缔约过失产生的所有损害,无论是固有利益还是信赖利益均予以保护。

    In the judicial practice in China , the court of general liability for fault to a broad understanding of the protection scope , due to the fault to produce all damage , whether natural or interests to protect all trust benefits .

  12. 依照传统的民事责任二元划分体系,履行利益受合同法保护,固有利益受侵权法保护,但是社会生活的复杂性使民事责任二元体系的划分不能贯彻始终。

    According to the dual division system of traditional civil liability , both kinds of the interest are protected respectively by contract law and tort law , but the complexity of social life makes it impossible to implement the dual division system of traditional civil liability thoroughly .

  13. 加害给付是合同一方当事人侵害对方当事人固有利益的违约行为,构成违约责任与侵权责任竞合,受损害方有权在二者中选择其一保护其利益。

    Injury performance that is the breach of contract by the party infringes upon the other 's inherent interests , causing the concurrent liabilities for breach of contract and torts , the aggrieved party shall be entitled to make a choice between two liabilities for protecting his rights .

  14. 提出对于固有利益的赔偿应当以赔偿实际损失为原则,对信赖利益的赔偿不应当超过履行利益,存在惩罚性赔偿时不受以上限制应以法律明确规定为准。

    The inherent benefits of the compensation shall be to compensate for the actual loss of principle , of reliance interest compensation should not exceed the performance of interest , presence of punitive damages is not affected by the above limitations should be clear legal provisions shall prevail .

  15. 不能仅仅因为全能银行所固有的利益冲突就取缔它们,或者重新采纳美国的《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》(Glass-SteagallAct)。

    The conflicts of interest inherent in universal banks are not enough to forbid their existence or to go back to the US Glass-Steagall Act .

  16. 按照定义来说第二或第三方认证更加独立。而且还避免了内部验证固有的利益冲突。

    Second-and third-party certifications are more independent by definition and lack the inherent conflict of interest of an internal audit .

  17. 此外,评级者在固有的利益冲突中收受被评估者献金而实其在评估债券是束手束脚。

    Furthermore , the raters were hamstrung by the conflicts of interest inherent in being paid by issuers to assess their bonds .

  18. 现代公司制度建立以后,公司内部的高级管理人员与公司股东之间存在的委托&代理关系导致了公司具有决策权的高级管理人员与公司股东之间一种固有的利益冲突。

    After the foundation of modern corporation system , the commission-agency relation between managers and stockholders results in a sort of proper conflict between managers endowing with decision making power and stockholders in-company .

  19. 环境中固有的与人类利益或使用无关的存在价值。

    Intrinsic value having nothing to do with human being 's benefit or utilization .