
jiě chú quán
  • Right to rescind;right of cancellation;right of rescission
  1. 期待自己的研究能够对我国合同法定解除权制度的完善有所裨益。

    Expectations of our own research contracts can improve the system of statutory right of cancellation benefit .

  2. 韩国行使合同解除权以通知的方式进行,并不可撤回,具有不可分性的特征。

    Korea the exercise of the right of cancellation of contract by way of notice , irrevocably , characterized by inseparability .

  3. 合同解除权主体探析

    Analysis of the Subject with the Right to Terminate a Contract

  4. 单方解除权应只适用于无固定期限的劳动合同;

    One-sided dissolution right should apply only to non-fixed term labour contracts ;

  5. 合同约定解除权行使浅析

    Simple Analysis of Execution of the Right of Dissolution Undercontract

  6. 保险合同解除权的时效与溯及力

    On the Limitation and Retrospective Effect of the Dissolution of Insurance Contract

  7. 劳动者单方预告解除权的行使中常见的几个问题;

    The nature of one-sided dissolution in the labor contract ;

  8. 第二章讨论了保险人保险合同法定解除权发生的原因。

    The second chapter discusses the occurrence of the right .

  9. 劳动者劳动合同单方解除权价值初探

    On the Value of Labor Right to Unilateral Rescission of Labor Contract

  10. 第二章探讨了保险合同解除权的性质和立法分配原则。

    Chapter Two discusses the character and distribution of the rescinding right .

  11. 规定保险人合同解除权的除斥期间。

    To provide a scheduled period of insurers'right of rescinding insurance contracts .

  12. 国际货物买卖合同解除权立法比较研究解除限定继承权保证

    Comparative Research on Legislation of Contract Cancellation Rights in International Sale of Goods

  13. 重点探讨了合同解除权的法律属性,自权利作用发挥角度而言,合同解除权应归入形成权;

    The legal attribute of the rescission right of contract is emphatically discussed .

  14. 质疑劳动合同单方解除权的平衡性

    Challenging the Right to Unilaterally Rescind a Labor Contract

  15. 行使单方解除权后的救济方式。

    Behavior and the right way of relief .

  16. 第二部分主要分析了保险合同解除权的类型。

    The second part of the right to rescind the type of insurance contract .

  17. 第一部分对合同解除权的一般理论加以介绍和分析。

    Part one introduces and analyzes the general theory of the rescission right of contract .

  18. 合同解除权产生的情形因约定和法定解除权的不同而不同。

    The right to cancel a contract obtained by agreement differs from that by provisions of law .

  19. 第一部分,保险人法定解除权的一般分析。

    The first part is about some common theories of insurer 's legal right to termination Insurance Contract .

  20. 因此,赋予当事人解除权,使其解除合同困境,实属必要。

    Therefore , it is necessary to give the parties the right to terminate and rescind the contract predicament .

  21. 拍卖买受人的合同解除权与承租人的优先购买权&对一起拍卖合同纠纷案的分析

    The Buyer Cancellation Claim and the Tenant Priority Claim in Auction & Analyzing the Disputes in An Auction Case

  22. 因此,有必要对合同解除权的行使进行探讨研究。

    Therefore , it is necessary to relieve the power to the contract to exercise conducts the discussion research .

  23. 对于合同解除权的行使方面的内容,以其行使的原则、方式、期限三方面进行论述。

    Rescission right of contract the exercise of the principle of its exercise , a period to be discussed .

  24. 保险合同的利益平衡机制遭到损坏是保险人行使法定解除权的边界。

    The insurance contract the damage of benefit balance is the boundary of the insurer to exercises the legal relieves .

  25. 但是,享有任意解除权并不等于行使权利的行为就一定具有合法性。

    However , the enjoyment of the right does not mean that the exercise of the rights of a certain legitimacy .

  26. 经济性裁员制度赋予用人单位以较宽泛的劳动关系解除权,它是用人单位用人自主权的体现。

    Economic dismissal system , endowing companies a fairly wide right of terminating labor relations , is an embodiment of independence .

  27. 另一方面则是明确合同解除权的行使要件,限制保险人不得滥用合同解除权。

    The second aspect is to define the condition to exert the rescinding right and restrict insurer from abusing such right .

  28. 第二节为该章的重点,主要论述了合同解除权的制度定位及其与合同法价值实现的关联性。

    The second section of this chapter focuses on the dissertation of the systematic orientation of the rescission right of contract .

  29. 劳动者无条件预告解除权之畸形现状&对我国《劳动法》第31条规定之反思

    On Present Abnormal Situation of Laborers ' Unconditioned Warning Right Of Cancellation & Rethinking on Article 31 , Labor Law of China

  30. 合同解除权取得的研究可以从期待权和既得权两个层面展开。

    The study of obtaining the right to terminate a contract may start from two dimensions of expectations right and vested right .