
  • 网络Tahrir Square;Liberation Square
  1. 本月早些时候,群众再度占领开罗市中心解放广场(tahrirsquare),要求审判穆巴拉克。

    Earlier this month crowds reoccupied Tahrir square in central Cairo to demand that Mr Mubarak be put on trial .

  2. 上传到Youtube的这段视频显示一个规模虽小但信心十足的群体抗议者们使用链子和长金属棒来破坏阻挡着开罗的解放广场入口的一段混凝土墙。

    Videos posted on Youtube showed a small but determined group of protesters using chains and long metal pipes to bring down a section of concrete wall blocking one of the entrances to Cairo 's Tahrir Square .

  3. 你们准备好迎接解放广场(TahrirSquare)时刻的来临了吗?

    Are you ready for a Tahrir moment ?

  4. 埃及普通市民占领开罗解放广场(tahrirsquare)之时,拉开了穆巴拉克政权倒台的序幕。

    When ordinary citizens occupied Tahrir square , it was the beginning of the end for the Mubarak regime in Egypt .

  5. 它给重要的阿拉伯女权主义者提供发表意见的渠道,它分析巴基斯坦恐怖影片,记录埃及的解放广场(TahrirSquare)暴动,公布对说唱歌手M.I.A.和画廊老板拉里·加戈西安(LarryGagosian)的采访。

    It has given voice to important Arab feminists , analyzed Pakistani horror films , documented Egypt 's Tahrir Square uprising , and published interviews with the rapper M.I.A. and the gallerist Larry Gagosian .

  6. 《Bidoun》2011年的其中一期是关于解放广场暴动,这次暴动促使埃及总统胡斯尼·穆巴拉克(HosniMubarak)下台,2014年,埃及恢复军事统治。

    In 2011 , Bidoun produced an issue on the Tahrir Square uprising that led to the toppling of President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt , before the return of military rule in 2014 .

  7. 今年,几位新闻摄影师新秀引起公众关注,其中有莫萨·阿布·埃尔莎米(Mosa’abElshamy),其作品记录了开罗解放广场的血腥示威场面,丹尼尔·埃特(DanielEtter)创作土耳其激烈冲突的经典一幕,四月末,激进主义家兼摄影师塔斯利马·阿赫特尔(TaslimaAkhter)

    The news has introduced to us several emerging photographers this year , including Mosa'ab Elshamy who documented the bloody demonstrations in Cairo 's Rabaa Square , and Daniel Etter , who made an iconic photograph during the Turkish uprising .

  8. 近两年后,解放广场已被重新占领。

    Almost two years later , Tahrir square has been re-occupied .

  9. 先别想金字塔、解放广场还有尼罗河了。

    Forget the pyramids , Tahrir Square and the Nile .

  10. 抗议者自去年11月下旬以来就造成解放广场的交通拥堵。

    Protesters have kept vehicles traffic out of Tahrir Square since late November .

  11. 今天埃及抗议者和安全部队在开罗解放广场附近大打出手。

    Egyptian protesters and security forces fought near Cairo 's Tahrir Square today .

  12. 解放广场相对的主街两旁,高楼成群,气势豪华。

    Luxury buildings were in groups at main street sides opposite the Liberation Circle .

  13. 你们可以看到开罗解放广场上那些极其能言善辩的年轻人

    And you saw all the incredibly articulate young people in Tahrir Square in Cairo .

  14. 在防暴警察撤出阵地后,人潮又涌回了解放广场。

    A large crowd has again returned to Tahrir Square after riot police pulled back .

  15. 在解放广场这里的抗议者对埃及进行变革的缓慢的步伐感到愤怒。

    Protesters here in Tahrir Square are angry at the slow pace of change in Egypt .

  16. 现在夜幕已经降临,而在开罗解放广场,一群示威者依然在抗议总统穆尔西。

    As night fell in Tahrir Square , a group of protesters chanted against President Morsi .

  17. 这家阿拉伯电视台还说,穆巴拉克的一小群支持者聚集在解放广场附近。

    The Arab broadcaster also says a small group of Mubarak supporters have gathered near Tahrir Square .

  18. 在解放广场,许多抗议者认为政府的举措太微不足道。

    At Tahrir Square , many protesters see the government 's moves as too little , too late .

  19. 新生的埃及人涌向开罗的解放广场,他们需要的是权利,而不是一个哈里发这样的统治者。

    When young Egyptians crowded into Cairo 's Tahrir Square , they wanted rights , not a caliph .

  20. 其余力竭埃及人在解放广场上周日,1月30日,草天的抗议后。

    Exhausted Egyptians rest on the grass in Liberation Square on Sunday , Jan.30 , after days of protests .

  21. 人们看到埃及国防部长坦塔维自从抗议活动开始以来首次在星期五视察了解放广场。

    Egyptian Defense Minister Hussein Tantawi was seen visiting the square Friday for the first time since the start of the protests .

  22. 参议员麦凯恩首先前往班加西解放广场,受到了当地活动积极分子的热烈欢迎。

    Senator John McCain was taken first to Benghazi 's Liberation Square , where he received an enthusiastic welcome from local activists .

  23. 我们第一次和捷普对话是2011年开罗解放广场最初举行抗议的时候,抗议最终导致胡斯尼•穆巴拉克下台。

    We first talked to jump during the original Tahrir Square protests of 2011 , which resulted in the ouster of Hosni Mubarak .

  24. 读罢《亚库班公寓》,就不难理解为什么解放广场上会有那么多要求变革的愤怒年轻人。

    Reading the yacoubian building , it is not hard to understand why Tahrir square filled with angry young people , demanding change .

  25. 在西班牙,抗议者占领在马德里市中心的太阳门广场,复制了之前开罗解放广场的抗议活动。

    In Spain , protesters occupied the Puerta del Sol square in central Madrid , copying the earlier protests in Cairo 's Tahrir Square .

  26. 今年二月初,奥巴马总统似乎顺应了这个潮流,至少在开罗的解放广场出现抗议时是如此。

    By early February , Obama seemed to catch up with the trend , at least as it played out in Cairo 's Tahrir Square .

  27. 留在当地的少数外国记者(比如奔赴解放广场进行报道的那些)很少能讲阿拉伯语,而且活动范围大多局限在驻外人员聚居区。

    The few foreign correspondents who remained ( such as those flown in to cover Tahrir Square ) rarely spoke much Arabic and mostly stuck to expat ghettoes .

  28. 许多反对派人物计划反对。他们辩称,政府提议的修改最多是折中方法,违背解放广场示威活动的精神。

    Many in the opposition movement plan to say no. They argue the proposed changes are half-measures at best , and mock the spirit of the Tahrir demonstrations .

  29. 他们唱歌的同时,人们不分老少,蜂拥穿过了平民检查站,前往解放广场,响应活跃份子举行另一次大型抗议活动的号召。

    While they sang , people of all ages flowed through civilian checkpoints into the square in response to a call by activist groups for yet another large protest .

  30. 这是自7月份安全力量清除在解放广场几周时间要求变革的人们之后的首次重大抗议活动。

    This is the first major protest in Tahrir Square since July when security forces cleared the square of people who 'd camped out here for weeks demanding reform .