
  • 网络Release of quarantine;terminate isolation
  1. 很高兴看到你也解除隔离了。

    I 'm glad to see you 've been released from quarantine .

  2. 被隔离[解除隔离]互相联系意味着我们不能彼此隔绝。

    Go into [ come out of ] quarantine Interdependence means that we cannot escape each other .

  3. 被隔离[解除隔离]种族隔离就是建立在这种分隔的基础上。

    Go into [ come out of ] quarantine It is on this division that apartheid rests .

  4. 被隔离[解除隔离]在植物细胞中,很多有机酸是被严格地分隔开的。

    Go into [ come out of ] quarantine Many organic acids are strongly compartmentalized in plant cells .

  5. 被隔离[解除隔离]他们十分厌恶种族隔离和总是被人踢来踢去。

    Go into [ come out of ] quarantine They were tired to death of segregation and of being kicked around .

  6. 被隔离[解除隔离]接收声音信号和可视信号之间是否有时间间隔?

    Go into [ come out of ] quarantine Is there any delay between receiving the audio signal and the video signal ?

  7. 被隔离[解除隔离]头一次和白鲸有这么近距离的接触。

    Go into [ come out of ] quarantine This is my first time to be so close to a white whale .

  8. 被隔离[解除隔离]每隔一段较大的距离便有一盏粗笨的路灯,用绳和滑车吊在街心。

    Go into [ come out of ] quarantine Across the streets , at wide intervals , one clumsy lamp was slung by a rope and pulley ;

  9. 公共卫生官员说,强有力的接触追踪系统能发现与感染者有过接触的人,将是解除隔离限制的关键一步。

    Public health officials say robust contact tracing - finding people who have been in contact with an infected person - will be a key step in lifting shelter-in-place restrictions .

  10. 结果:216例群体伤寒学生病人,在精心护理和严格遵守消毒隔离制度下,均使病人完全解除隔离,康复出院。

    Result : Under the strictly comply with disinfections and meticulously nurse , all that causes the patients relief isolation completely , Recover from illness and go out of the hospital .

  11. 尽管船上有包括随船医生在内的大量乘客患病死亡,马赛市内有权势的商人仍然要求解除隔离禁令,以便拿到他们在船上的货物。

    Despite numerous ship passengers perishing from the plague , including the ships surgeon , powerful city merchants had the ships quarantine lifted to receive the goods they had on board .

  12. 其余接触者仍在隔离中,但有望在几天后解除隔离,因为中国卫生部制定的对密切接触者的隔离观察期为14天。

    Others remain in quarantine , but are expected to be released over the next few days , as the14-day observation period mandated by China 's health authorities draws to a close .

  13. 优秀的地方主要体现在反应堆停堆和启堆过程,但在系统实施隔离,设备维修,解除隔离,系统恢复可用等大修核心阶段,存在着比较大的差距。

    Excellent place mainly in the reactor shutdown and restart process , but the implementation of isolation in the system , equipment maintenance , unblocking the isolation , the system can be reused and so on .

  14. 我五天后解除检疫隔离。

    I will be out of quarantine after five days .

  15. 据法新社(AgenceFrance-Presse)报道,本周有320个可能接触过埃博拉病毒的人,已被证实未受感染,并且解除了隔离,另有41人仍然有待观察。

    Agence France-Presse reported this week that 320 people suspected of exposure to the virus have been certified clear and released , and that another 41 remained under surveillance .

  16. 最高法院通过一系列解除种族隔离的判决已经开始在向南部各州施压。

    The Supreme Court had begun the process of applying pressure on southern states in a string of desegregation decisions .