
cháng chuān kǒng
  • intestinal perforation;enterobrosis
肠穿孔 [cháng chuān kǒng]
  • [intestinal perforation] 许多肠道疾病的一个共同并发症,肠壁组织坏死、薄弱、破溃,肠内容外溢,可有剧烈腹痛、板状腹、腹膜炎、休克等表现

肠穿孔[cháng chuān kǒng]
  1. 主要死亡原因为DIC、多脏器功能衰竭、肠穿孔。

    The main death causes are DIC , multiple organ dys - function failure and intestinal perforation .

  2. 大肠恶性肿瘤并急性肠穿孔30例的诊断和治疗

    Diagnosis and treatment of the large bowel malignancies complicated with acute intestinal perforation

  3. 螺旋CT对胃、十二脂肠穿孔的诊断价值

    Usefulness of spiral CT for diagnosing gastroduodenal perforation

  4. 材料与方法:对2002年7月至2006年1月在我院住院,并经手术证实的42例外伤性肠穿孔患者的CT图像进行回顾性分析。

    Materials and Methods : Forty two cases of CT findings of traumatic bowel perforation , which were confirmed by operation from July 2002 to January 2006 in this hospital , were reviewed retrospectively .

  5. 方法对1990年1月至2005年12月本院新生儿外科收治的18例单纯肠穿孔(IIP)以及16例坏死性小肠结肠炎(NEC)肠穿孔进行回顾性对比研究。

    Methods Retrospective study was conducted to compare 18 cases of IIP with 16 cases of intestinal perforation associated with necrotizing enterocolitis ( NEC ) .

  6. 恶性萎缩性丘疹病并发肠穿孔1例并文献综述

    Degos ' disease : A case report and review of literature

  7. 方法对因空气灌肠整复造成肠穿孔的8例进行分析。

    Methods Intestinal perforation occurred in air reduction of 8 cases were analysed .

  8. 目的总结外伤性肠穿孔的诊治方法及经验。

    Objective To summarize the experience of diagnosis and treatment of traumatic intestinal perforation .

  9. 本文报道经病理证实的8例并发肠穿孔的肠型组织细胞增生症。

    This paper reports 8 cases of pathologically proven intestinal reticulosis complicated with intestinal perforation .

  10. 方法采用肠穿孔腹膜炎法制备成年家犬感染性休克模型。

    Methods Model of septic shock in mongrel dogs was replicated by intestinal punctures and peritonitis .

  11. 目的探讨完全肠道外静脉高营养治疗小儿肠穿孔的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the curative effect of TPN the treatment of intestinal perforation in children .

  12. 3例术后有轻症胰腺炎,无肠穿孔、出血等并发症。

    Cases had mild pancreatitis postoperatively . No complications such as bleeding or intestinal perforation occurred .

  13. 家兔肠穿孔所致腹膜炎对多脏器的损害作用及保护措施研究

    Peritonitis Caused by Intestinal Perforation in Rabbits on the Role of Multiple Organ Damage and Protection Research

  14. 7例发生急性肠穿孔,另1例为慢性穿孔。

    Acute intestinal perforation took place in 7 cases , and 1 case showed a chronic course .

  15. 此类患者可表现为急性肠穿孔、腹膜炎、肠梗阻、隐匿性慢性出血等。

    These patients may manifest as acute intestinal perforation , peritonitis , bowel obstruction , chronic occult bleeding .

  16. 近期总有效率9706%,无肠穿孔、大出血及中毒性巨结肠等并发症。

    The long-term total effective rate was 97.06 % , with no enterobrosis massive hemorrhage and toxic macrocolon .

  17. 毫无进展:循证医学所界定的有急性肠穿孔征象的极低出生体重儿的手术时机和术式

    Coming full circle : An evidence-based definition of the timing and type of surgical management of very low-birth-weight ( 1000g ) infants with signs of acute intestinal perforation

  18. 气囊控压、手法按摩等辅助手段的改进和应用,对病情的综合评估及套鞘松弛等征象的正确判断,能明显提高整复率,减少肠穿孔等并发症的产生。

    Correct pressure control , adequate manual massage as well as comprehensive assessment of patient ′ s condition can improve the success rate of air enema reduction of intussusception .

  19. 结果74例巨大肠息肉患者中71例分块一次成功切除,3例分期切除,全部病例无出现大出血和肠穿孔等并发症。

    Results Among 74 cases of large intestinal polyps , the polypectomy was successful in 71 cases , 3 cases needed resection with staging operation , all cases without big bleeding and intestinal perforation .

  20. 并发系膜扭转1例、网膜扭转2例、囊肿出血2例、肠穿孔和右侧胸腔疝各1例。

    Their complications were mesentery volvulus in 1 case , omental volvulus in 2 cases , cyst bleeding in 2 cases , intestine perforation in 1 case , the right pleural herniation in 1 case .

  21. 因结肠出血、肠穿孔、中毒性巨结肠和吻合口瘘等并发症入院病人19例,内科治疗无效而无并发症入院病人7例。

    In the all , 19 cases were admitted because of the complications , such as colonic hemorrhage , colon perforation , toxic megacolon , stoma fistula and so on . And 7 cases were because of the failure of medical treatment .

  22. 方法对48例肠穿孔患儿术前术后在禁食、胃肠减压、维持水电解质平衡、纠正酸中毒、间断输血及应用有效抗菌素等综合治疗的基础上,给予静脉高营养治疗。

    Method TPN was used in the treatment of 48 children with intestinal perforation on the basis of perioperative complex treatment , which consisted of fasting , gastrointestional decompression , sustenance of water - electrolyte balance , correction of acidosis , blood transfusion and application of effective antibiotics , etc.

  23. 腹腔镜胃十二肠溃疡穿孔修补辅助H2受体拮抗剂治疗急性胃十二指肠溃疡穿孔

    Summarization of laparoscopic gastroduodenal ulcer perforation repair combined with H_2 receptor antagonist in treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer perforation

  24. 山区肠伤寒穿孔外科治疗效果分析

    Analysis of treating typhoid complicated with intestinal perforation with surgery

  25. 目的探讨肠伤寒穿孔的诊断及治疗方法。

    Objective To study the diagnosis and treatment of typhoid intestinal perforation ( TIP ) .

  26. 方法对1978~1998年收治的30例肠伤寒穿孔病人的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

    Methods The clinical data of 30 cases of TIP treated in our hospital from 1978 to 1998 were retrospectively analysed .

  27. 对于腹腔污染严重、肠壁穿孔,也应尽可能采用一期切除肿瘤。

    For patients with severe contamination of abdominal cavity and bowel perforation , primary tumor ( resection ) should be performed if possible .

  28. 主要并发症为肠出血、肠穿孔。

    Major complications for intestinal bleeding , intestinal perforation .

  29. 憩室细菌感染引起炎症,并可能在肠壁内引起穿孔和其他严重并发症。

    Bacterial infection of these diverticula cause inflammation that may lead to a perforation in the wall of the intestine and other serious complications .

  30. 手术切口感染常发生于患者的切口比较“脏”或者受到污染的情形,比如创伤、肠部手术或者穿孔性阑尾炎。

    Surgical site infections most commonly occur when patients have " dirty " or contaminated wounds , such as after a trauma , bowel surgery , or perforated appendicitis .