
chánɡ zhànɡ qì
  • Intestinal distension;meteorism;intestinal tympanites
  1. [病例报告]32例腹部切口裂开的病人中恶性肿瘤病人8例,肠梗阻病人6例,消化道、阑尾穿孔病人各4例;5例存在明显肠胀气,4例有明显切口感染。

    CASE REPORT ? Out of 32 cases of dehiscence of abdominal incisions , 8 cases were malignant tumor , 6 cases intestinal obstruction , 4 cases gastrointestinal perforation and 4 cases appendiceal perforation , and 5 cases had obvious intestinal gassiness and 4 cases had obvious infection of incision .