
yǎnɡ wò qǐ zuò
  • sit-up;abdominal curl;do sit-ups
仰卧起坐 [yǎng wò qǐ zuò]
  • [do sit-ups] 锻炼身体的一种练习:仰卧,两腿并拢伸直,然后抬起上身成直坐的姿式,然后再仰卧,再坐起,如此练习多次

  1. 城市体力和非体力劳动者坐位体前屈、背力、纵跳、10m×4往返跑、仰卧起坐和选择反应时均优于农民(P<0.05或0.01)。

    Anteflexion of body when sitting , back pressure , vertical jump , 10 m × 4 return run , sit-up and choice of reaction time in manual workers and non - manual workers in city were better than that in farmers ( P < 0.05 or 0.01 ) .

  2. 身体素质指标,包括握力、坐位体前屈、闭眼单腿站立、选择反应时、简单反应时、背力、纵跳、10m×4往返跑、俯卧撑(男)/仰卧起坐(女)等。

    Indexes of body constitution , including grasp force , bend-ahead in sitting , stand up on one leg with eyes closed , choice reaction time simple reaction time , back strength , 10 m × 4 shuttle run , and pushup ( male ) / sit-up ( female ) etc.

  3. 做仰卧起坐时加上转体动作更好

    Crunches with a twisting motion ( to hit obliques ) are excellent .

  4. 研究显示,喜欢做球类运动、平板支撑和仰卧起坐的人报告称自己的慢波睡眠(深度睡眠)时间更长。

    People who prefer ball sports , planking and situps report longer periods of slow-wave sleep , or deep sleep , it said .

  5. 仰卧起坐也有多种训练方法,从V字向上、瑞士球腹肌训练到反向仰卧起坐。

    Sit-ups can also be practiced in different ways , and the variations range from V-Ups , Swiss ball sit-ups and reverse sit-ups .

  6. 美国理疗师培训公司运动迹象的CEO约翰蔡尔斯对有关仰卧起坐的最新研究持怀疑态度。

    John Childs is the CEO of Evidence in Motion , a US company that trains physical therapists , and he remains skeptical about the latest study against sit-ups .

  7. 运动员组身体素质五项指标中仰卧起坐、100米和800米跑的指标有显著性差异(P0.05),体脂百分比平均值和去脂体重无明显差异。

    Sit-ups , 100-meter run and 800-meter run , which were included in five indicators of athletes group , were obviously changed ( P0.05 ), body fat rates and lean body weight were not changed . 3 .

  8. 肺活量、心率、VO2、仰卧起坐、台阶试验、坐位体前屈6项指标以及心理指标均显著增高(P<0.05或0.01)。

    The six parameters of lung vital capacity , heart rate , VO_2 , times of doing sit-ups , master " 2-step " exercise test , procurvation in siting position were all improved ( P < 0.05 or 0.01 ) .

  9. 仰卧起坐水平有下降趋势并且下降趋势明显。

    Sit-ups level a slow down and down trend is obvious .

  10. 爱德娜:仰卧起坐,女士们。躺下去。

    Edna : Sit-ups . Ladies . Get on you backs .

  11. 我每天做仰卧起坐数百次,就是想打平我的肚腩。

    Everyday I do hundreds of crunches to flatten my abs .

  12. 因此许多健身达人不再做仰卧起坐了。

    As a result , many fitness gurus are abandoning sit-ups .

  13. 仰卧起坐机器,5250,你知道的……

    Abdominal crunch machine . The Flybex 5250 , you know ...

  14. 你厌烦了做仰卧起坐,试试练习。

    If you 're bored of sit-ups , try this exercise instead .

  15. 她过去睡觉前常做仰卧起坐,但现在不做了。

    She used to do sit-ups before sleep , but not now .

  16. 往身体两边做仰卧起坐可以锻炼斜肌。

    Doing the same on your sides will helpenhance the oblique muscles .

  17. 那得再做五十个仰卧起坐。

    That 's fifty more sit-ups . One , two .

  18. 而且每天早晨我都会做仰卧起坐,俯卧撑,还有引体向上。

    And every morning I do sit-ups , push-ups , and pull-ups .

  19. 首先,单纯地做许多仰卧起坐不会让你松弛的肚腩变结实。

    Doing hundreds of sit-ups alone won 't tone a flabby belly .

  20. 想吃冰淇淋吗?那得再做五十个仰卧起坐。

    Some ice cream ? That 's fifty more situps .

  21. 这是一个不做仰卧起坐的很好的借口。

    It 's a good excuse not to do them .

  22. 苏珊:再做五个仰卧起坐。然后,我想吃点冰淇淋。

    Susan : Five more sit-ups . Then I want some ice cream .

  23. 像平衡球、全程仰卧起坐、自行车仰卧起坐等都可以。

    Swiss-ball crunches , full situps , or bicycle situps are all fine .

  24. 谢谢收看本期“仰卧起坐”节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Do Sit Ups

  25. 你还记得伏地挺身和仰卧起坐怎麽做吗?

    Do you even remember how to do the sit-up and the push-up ?

  26. 再做五个仰卧起坐。然后,我想吃点冰淇淋。

    Five more sit-ups.Then I want some ice cream .

  27. 我们做仰卧起坐来使我们的肌肉强壮。

    We do sit-ups to make our muscles strong .

  28. 做五分钟仰卧起坐总比一点都不运动的好。

    Five minutes of crunches is better than nothing .

  29. 我们玩丢沙包而且做仰卧起坐。

    We throw bean bags and do sit-ups .

  30. 每天早上起床时先做五个仰卧起坐。

    When you get out of bed each morning , do five sit-ups first .