
  • Yangshao painted pottery
  1. 仰韶彩陶艺术的综合研究

    A comprehensive study on Yangshao painted pottery art

  2. 仰韶彩陶艺术开创了我国彩绘艺术的先河,它的优美造型与绚丽多姿的彩绘和谐统一,动物纹从写实到写意,植物纹图案化,几何纹变幻奇妙,其文化内涵丰富深厚。

    Yangshao painted pottery has started Chinese painting art in combination with graceful moulding and colorful painting . It is characterized by the animal patterns varying from realistic style to liberal style including plant patterns and geometric patterns which embody profound cultural meaning .

  3. 本文利用拉曼光谱对河南班村遗址出土的仰韶彩陶陶彩以及河北磁县湾漳东魏北齐大型壁画墓中的壁画颜料进行了分析,成功的测定出陶彩及壁画颜料的成分。

    The ancient coating pottery and wall painting were analyzed by Raman Spectra .

  4. 但以玫瑰花为题材的构图,在几乎所有类型的仰韶彩陶中都可见到,这又显示出某种内在的联系。

    Nevertheless , patterns with rose flowers as the theme decoration are found on pottery of all types , indicating an inherent link of theirs .

  5. 在史前文化中,仰韶文化的彩陶和龙山文化的黑陶是手工业的典范。

    In the prehistoric culture , the painted pottery of Yangshao culture and the black pottery of Longshan culture were models of handicraft .