
  1. 商丘豫剧,当地称为豫东调。

    The Henan Opera in Shangqiu , is called the eastern tune , of Henan in the locality .

  2. 豫东调的音乐高亢、明朗、坚实、粗犷,其内容丰富生动,语言朴实、真切而感人。

    Its music is high , clear , strong , rough , the content is abundant and lively and the language is plain , vivid and moving .

  3. 这部份从历史地理文化背景、传统乐舞戏曲文物遗存、商丘民俗与戏曲艺术三方面分别进行论述;二、豫剧源流及其豫东调音乐。

    This part gives the discussion respectively from three aspects , a , history and geography , cultural background ; b , traditional dances and drama cultural relics c , the folk-custom and drama art in Shangqiu .

  4. 这部份就唱腔音乐的板式结构、流派间的交流与借鉴,以及豫东调中最具特色的男声唱腔作了深入具体的解析;四、豫东调的班社及其艺人。

    This part analyzes deeply and concretely the mode structure of operatic vocal music , the exchanges and use for reference among schools and the most characteristic male vocal music . D , The theatric troupe and actors of east tune of Henan .