
  1. 刺客豫让的形象历来被人忽略。

    The image of the assassin Yu Rang was always ignored .

  2. 豫让回答说:“作为一个勇士,怎么可以做这样不仁不义的事呢!”

    Indignantly , Yu rang replied ," how could a righteous man do such a thing ?"

  3. 豫让形象分析&兼论《史记》悲剧色彩

    Analysis on the image of the Figure Named Yu Rang & with the Exploration into the Tragic Color of The Record of History

  4. 豫让回去后,剃去眉毛和胡子,又吞食热炭,把声音弄嘶哑,以便从形象到声音都不让人认出来。

    Returning home , Yu rang cut off his eyebrows and beard , and swallowed burning charcoal to hoarsen his throat , in order to escape recognition both in appearance and voice .