
  • 网络Editor;Part II in Japanese
  1. 《明经世文编》编纂群体之研究

    A Study on Compiler Group of Ming Jing-shi Wen-bian

  2. 晚清经世文编的文化特色与文化本质

    The Cultural Essence and Cultural Characteristics of Late Qing Collected Essays on Statecraft

  3. 论晚清经世文编中学术的边缘化

    On Marginalization of Academic Learning in Collected Essays on Statecraft of Late Qing Dynasty

  4. 之后的夏天我在网站担任了文编。

    Later I worked for Lake Voice News as a copyeditor during a summer .

  5. 第一章探讨了《明经世文编》的编纂群体。

    The first chapter is to discuss the compiler group of Ming Jing-shi Wen-bian .

  6. 第三章论述了《明经世文编》对晚明社会及后世产生的影响。

    The third chapter is to discuss the important influence of Ming Jing-shi Wen-bian on late Ming society and late ages .

  7. 他为贺长龄所辑《皇朝经世文编》集中体现了他的经世致用编辑思想,对后人产生了深远影响,在今天仍具重要借鉴意义。

    This compilation reflects his editorial thoughts of benefiting the society centrally , influences later ages deeply and still has important meaning today .

  8. 《皇朝经世文编》的编纂,不仅使魏源掌握了倡导改革的理论上和史料上的依据,同时也反映出他所具备的改革家和思想家的基本素质,标志着其经世思想走向成熟。

    Royal Classic Selection not only helped Wei-Yuan grasp the reform theory in history but also reflected his basic qualities as a reformer and thinker , which indicates the maturity of his idea of benefiting the society .