
xián liánɡ
  • the able and virtuous
  • of integrity
贤良 [xián liáng]
  • [able and virtuous man;be able and virtuous] 有德行的人;才德兼备的人

贤良[xián liáng]
  1. 我记得你母亲,她真是一位贤良淑德的女性。

    I remember your mother , she was a real lady .

  2. 论西汉中期贤良文学的经济思想

    The econimic thoughts of Xian Liang Literature of middle Western Han Danasty

  3. 最后贤良文学取得了一定的胜利。

    Finally the virtuous literature has gained certain victory .

  4. 为什么那么喜欢中国女孩子呢?因为她们温柔贤良、小鸟依人,还是什么别的原因?

    Why do you like Chinese girl so much ? Is it because they are virtuous and lovable ?

  5. 真的是虔诚的教徒,慈爱的父母,孝顺的儿女,贤良的妻子,尽职的丈夫,他们家里的人也的确哀思绵绵地追悼他们。

    who is good Christian , a good parent , child , wife or husband ; who actually does have a disconsolate family to mourn his loss ; ......

  6. 她们通常会被分配到一些不那么举足轻重的职位上从事文职工作,上司们觉得这就像给负担过重的丈夫配一个贤良的妻子。

    Instead they are pigeonholed into less senior clerical jobs , which bosses used to regard as little more than matchmaking services to provide overworked husbands with loyal wives .

  7. 第三章论述了《盐铁论》中御史大夫和文学贤良的经济伦理思想的得失,以及这两种经济伦理思想对两汉和整个传统社会的历史影响。

    The chapter three discusses the pros and cons of economy ethics from the two seconds above and their influences on history at that tine and the following traditional society .

  8. 汉代贤良以其鲜明的政治形象,在汉代政治建设中发挥了重要的作用,有力地推动了汉代政治的发展。

    Able and virtuous men with their distinct political images in Han Dynasty play an important role in the political construction and promoted the development of politics of Han Dynasty .

  9. 所以,对待战争,明智的国君应该慎重,贤良的将帅应该警惕,这是安定国家和保全军队的基本道理。

    Hence the enlightened ruler is heedful , and the good general full of caution . This is the way to keep a country at peace and an army intact .

  10. 你可以教训那个家伙,可是朽木不可雕也。朽木不可雕,最贤良,最肯牺牲的妻子也不可能把一个奥斯华德变成一个阿诺德·贝内特。这个道理朱莉娅懂得太晚了。

    Too late Julia realized that the best and the most-sacrificing of wives can not make a silk purse out of a sow 's ear , an Arnold Bennett out of an Oswald .

  11. 所以我想我经常会觉得比别人幸福,因为我有一颗感恩的心,虽然不是深明大义,贤良淑德,大公无私,可至少我懂得努力让自己学会感恩。

    So I think I always feel happy than others , because I have a grateful heart , though not righteous , virtuous Shukutoku fairness , at least I know how to be grateful to him yourself .

  12. 东汉末年,巨鹿(今河北平乡)人张角创太平道,自称大贤良师,在各地传教,并免费给穷人看病。

    At the end of the Eastern Han , Zhang Jiao of Julu ( modern Pingxiang in Hebei Province ) established a secret Taoist sect - Tai Ping Dao , declaring himself to be Great Teacher . He traveled around the country propagating his faith and dispensing free treatment to the sick .