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  1. 每年三次应为我举行庆节。

    Three times every year you shall celebrate feasts to me .

  2. 酒神的真理便占据了整个神话领域,当作它的知识之象征,并且宣告这一措施。一半靠公开的悲剧庆节,一半靠隐闭的戏剧性秘仪祭,但是往往披着旧时神话的外衣。

    The Dionysian truth appropriates the entire realm of myth as symbolic language for its own insights , which it expresses partly in the public rite of tragedy and partly in the secret celebrations of dramatic mysteries , but always under the old mythic veil .

  3. 该节起源很早,起初人们打着火把驱疫,道教在此日祭天,佛教又在正月十五燃灯敬佛,所以庆元宵节十分隆重。

    The Taoists offer a sacrifice to Heaven on this day and Buddhists light lamps to pay homage to Buddha . Therefore , Lantern Festival becomes very important .