
  • 网络Kyungnam University
  1. 李洙勋首尔的庆南大学远东研究所所长提到,克林顿先生的访问促使韩国重新审视本国僵化的对朝立场。

    Lee Su-hoon , the director of the Institute for Far Eastern Studies at Seoul 's Kyungnam University , says Mr Clinton 's visit prompted South Korea to re-examine its inflexible stance towards the North .

  2. RyooKihl-jae是位于首尔的庆南(Kyungnam)大学北韩问题研究所的负责人。他说,韩国最近的这些抗议对北韩的政治宣传来说可以说是大有用武之地。

    Ryoo Kihl-jae , a Dean at Kyungnam University of North Korean Studies in Seoul , says the protests are useful for the North 's propaganda .