
  • 网络qingli new deal
  1. 庆历新政是北宋历史上一场著名的涉及政治、法律、经济、教育诸多方面的改革。

    The Qingli new deal was a famous reform related to politics , law , economy and education in the Northern Song Dynasty .

  2. 富弼亲历了北宋两次重要的改革:庆历新政与熙丰变法。

    Fu Bi experienced the two important reformations : Qingli Xinzheng and Xifeng Reform .

  3. 本文从文体、内容、风格三个角度阐述了欧阳修政论文在庆历新政时期表现出的特点。

    This paper endeavors to probe characteristics of Ouyangxiu 's political essays written during the Qingli Reformation Time from the aspects of literary form , content and style .

  4. 庆历新政失败后,士气低沉,他的诗歌风格也发生了变化,转入了清峻幽冷。

    After the failure of the political reform in Qingli Period , people are in low spirit and the style of his poetry also turns stern and cold .