
  1. 试论元明之际婺州地区文人的诗歌创作

    Discussion on Poetry Creation in Wuzhou Region during Yuan and Ming Dynasty

  2. 在婺州浙东廉访司佥事任上两年余。

    He served the court as an Inspector in Wuzhou for two years .

  3. 唐、宋、元浙江婺州窑系分相釉的研究

    A Study on the Wuzhou Ware Phase-Separated Glazes of Tang , Song and Yuan Dynasties in Zhejiang Province

  4. 所以,本文的这些工作只是为总体研究作一些铺垫性的工作。第二,对婺州片的几个语音特征,做了专题讨论。

    Thus , this paper is only the foreshadowing in overall research . Secondly , I make special discuss on several phonetic features of the Wuzhou dialect . 1 .

  5. 夏新华来自中国东部的婺州,夏雨燕则是从肯塔基州的凡尔赛赶来,她在那里教了一年半书。

    He had arrived from Wuzhou , in eastern China . Ms. Xia had traveled from Versailles , Ky. , where she has taught for a year and a half .

  6. 来自大鳙山的婺水经金华(婺州)流进富春江。

    Wu water from Dayong Mountain flew through Jin Hua ( Wu State ) into Fuchun River .
