
  • 网络wuyuan;Wuyuan County
  1. 文章在简要分析森林游憩价值经济评价方法的基础上,采用旅行费用法(TCM)对婺源县森林景观游憩价值进行了经济评价。

    Based on analyzing briefly the economic evaluation methods for recreation value of forest landscape , the travel cost method ( TCM ) is used to evaluate the recreation value of forest landscape in Wuyuan county .

  2. 婺源县森林景观游憩价值的经济评价

    Economic Evaluation for Recreation Value of Forest Landscape in Wuyuan County

  3. 婺源县耕地保护与基本农田保护研究

    Study on Protection of Cultivated Land and Basic Farmland in Wuyuan County

  4. 婺源县空气负离子分布规律初步分析

    Analysis of the Distribution of Atmospheric Anion in Wuyuan County

  5. 婺源县生态农业建设初探

    The study of ecological agriculture in Wuyuan County

  6. 婺源县国家公益林管护初探

    Preliminary Exploration to Administration and Protection of State Public Welfare Forest in Wuyuan County

  7. 婺源县森林景观美学评价及其对生态旅游影响的研究

    A Study on Aesthetic Evaluation and Impact on Ecological Tourism of Forest Landscape in Wuyuan County

  8. 婺源县生态农业建设现状分析与可持续发展

    An Analysis of Current Situation of Construction of Eco-agriculture of Wuyuan County and Its Sustainable Development

  9. 婺源县森林景观空间格局及其与景观美学质量关系探析

    Approach to the Spatial Pattern and Its Relationship to Aesthetic Quality of Forest Landscape in Wuyuan County

  10. 旅游建设用地发展与布局研究&以江西省婺源县为例

    Research on Development and Layout of Tourist Resorts Construction & Wuyuan , Jiangxi Province as an Example

  11. 新农合对婺源县农民医疗费用影响的六年连续追踪调查

    A six-year follow-up survey on the effect of the new rural cooperative medical system on the village residents ' medical expenses in wuyuan county

  12. 方法对婺源县参合农民,采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样法抽取研究对象,进行纵向对比研究,基线调查和追踪调查均采用入户询问调查,以各项卫生服务指标作为指示指标;

    Methods To the peasants who have taken part in the new-type rural CMS in WuYuan , the multi-phase stratified cluster random sampling has been adopted to select the sample people .

  13. 在分析婺源县旅游资源的特点与生态旅游发展潜力的基础上,提出了该县生态旅游适度开发的战略构想。

    On the analysis of the features of tourism resources and the potentials of eco-tourism in Wuyuan , the paper addresses some strategic concepts of the moderate exploitation of Wuyuan 's eco-tourism .

  14. 婺源县具有丰富的旅游资源,深厚的历史文化底蕴和较好的旅游发展基础。

    As one of the famous tourism counties in our country , with rich tourism resources , long history and culture , Wuyuan has a good foundation to develop its tourism industry .

  15. 目的:通过基线与追踪调查的比较,研究婺源县新型农村合作医疗实施前后农民卫生服务利用公平性的变化,为完善合作医疗实施方案提供科学依据。

    Objective To study the variance of equity in farmers ' health services utilization before and after enforcing the new-type rural CMS through comparing the base-line investigation with the follow-up investigation . To offer the scientific basis for consummating the scheme of the new-type rural CMS .

  16. 古徽州地处安徽省南部,包括歙县、黟县、休宁、祈门、绩溪以及今天划入江西境内的婺源六县。

    In ancient Huizhou , located in southern Anhui Province , including Shexian , Yixian County , Xiuning , Jixi , garden gate and into the territory of Jiangxi today in six counties of Wuyuan province .