
  • 网络wu opera
婺剧 [wù jù]
  • [a kind of local opera in Zhejiang] 浙江地方戏曲剧种之一,原名金华戏,流行于该省金华(在元代以前叫婺州)地区

  1. 婺剧是典型的多声腔剧种,它在音乐上包容了来源复杂的六种腔调,流传于浙江中南部。

    As a typical genre of drama with multiple tunes and popular in the middle and south of Zhejiang Province , Wuju opera contains six tunes .

  2. 2011年01月31日来自中国浙江省的婺剧近日首次在古巴国家剧院演出,吸引了不少当地观众。

    2011-01-31 The Opera Wu from the Chinese province of Zhejiang was presented for the first time in Cuba in the National Theatre , attracting the local audience .

  3. 婺剧拨子腔的六种板式,在长期流传的过程中,经数代、多人的努力,得到了长足的发展和完善。

    In the long course of the evolution , the six modes in bozi tune of Wuju opera have developed and improved with the help of several generations hard work .
