
fǎ shì
  • French;method;model;rule;rites
法式 [fǎ shì]
  • (1) [rites]∶指佛教的作法仪式

  • (2) [model]∶标准的格式

  • 《营造法式》

法式[fǎ shì]
  1. 静穆的法式与狂热的心灵&审视西方古典雕塑发展史的一个角度

    Solemn and Quiet Method and Enthusiastic Soul - Gaze at an Angle of Western Classical Sculpture Development History

  2. 将它与法式色拉调料一同放入一只带螺旋盖的罐中腌泡。

    Put it in a screw-top jar with French dressing and leave to marinate .

  3. 法式家具的用途极其广泛。

    French furniture was designed for every use

  4. 为了看上去显得成熟一些,她把金发别成了一个法式髻。

    In an effort to look older she has pinned her fair hair into a French pleat .

  5. 把它和法式面包一起端上去。

    Serve it with French bread

  6. 玛丽安娜想把这些大房间弄成传统法式客厅的样子,但是霍华德喜欢典型的英式风格。

    Marianne was tempted to turn the large rooms into traditional French-style salons , while Howard was in favour of a typically English look

  7. 自从我去法国度过假后,法式面包就使我有了一种愉快的联想。

    French bread has had positive associations for me ever since I went on holiday to france .

  8. 卡莱姆的烹饪展示成为精致的法式餐饮的标志,它们丰盛、漂亮而华丽。

    Car ê me 's cooking displays became the symbol of fine French dining ; they were plentiful , beautiful and imposing .

  9. FrenchExit《法式出口》《法式出口》带给我们的一个珍贵礼物是米歇尔·菲佛很难得地担纲了主演。

    French Exit offers us a precious gift : an all-too-rare lead performance from Michelle Pfeiffer .

  10. Ghosting,也叫爱尔兰式告别或法式告别,指没有跟任何人告别就离开某个社交活动的行为,即“不辞而别”。

    Ghosting -- aka the Irish goodbye , the French exit -- refers to leaving a social gathering . The next moment you 're gone , in the manner of a ghost . ( Source : Wordspy ) For example :

  11. 铁板烧以其独特的烹饪手法,更能体现出法式料理崇尚科学健康搭配,追求精雕细琢、术美感的风格

    The distinct grill cooking , typifies the health-consciousness , meticulousness and artistry of classic French food .

  12. JuliaChild是《掌握法式料理的艺术》这本书的作者之一

    Julia Child is coauthor of the book Mastering the Art of French Cooking .

  13. WTO成立后,为解决贸易与环境争端,出现了对WTO协定作普通法式解释的现象。

    After the establishment of the WTO , WTO agreements are interpreted in the common law style in order to solve trade-environmental disputes .

  14. 在北京的一家法式餐厅里,他们向贝塔斯曼集团中国区各家公司的CEO们询问了职业和创新理念的问题。

    They asked the CEOs of Bertelsmann China companies about careers and innovative ideas at a French restaurant in Beijing .

  15. 整机采取PLC法式跟变频把持,自动检测故障,操作便利,调换产品机动。

    It adopts PLC control procedures and transducer , examine the malfunction automatically , it is very easy to operate and change the different products .

  16. 法式风情的拼图&法国城市Nancy,Strasbourg游记

    Composite Picture in French Style & Itinerary of Nancy , Strasbourg

  17. 你们参加了数十次SAT模拟考试,练习了几千个小时的中提琴(因为会拉小提琴的人比比皆是),并且还为无家可归的老兵编法式发辫。

    You took dozens of practice SATs , practiced viola for thousands of hours ( violinists are a dime a dozen ) and French-braided the hair of homeless veterans .

  18. 你会路过餐馆,起着诸如食肉动物(LeCarnivore)这样的名字,你会路过夜总会,最棒的是会路过法式蛋糕店。

    You pass restaurants with names such as Le Carnivore , nightclubs and , best of all , patisseries .

  19. 由RichardEkkebus执掌的香港顶级法式餐厅Amber位居排行榜第24位,较2013年上升了12个名次。

    Amber , Hong Kong 's top French spot led by Richard Ekkebus , came in at No. 24 , up 12 spots from 2013 .

  20. 利用矩阵的Jordan法式给出矩阵高阶幂的一种计算方法并用这种方法对常系数线性齐次差分方程组进行求解。

    Using Jordan form of matrices , the authors give a method of computing matrix higher power . The application of this method in linear difference systems is also discussed .

  21. 在装潢仿若50年代法式杂货店的餐厅L’Epicerie,汇集了多种法国、地中海与北非菜式的菜单,主打的就是“丰盛”二字。

    At L'Epicerie - decorated like a 1950s French grocery store - richness rules the Franco-Mediterranean-North-African menu .

  22. 今年3月份,美国波士顿附近的一家内河邮轮公司汤姆哈珀河旅行公司(TomHarperRiverJourneys)表示,将在2016年新增一艘邮轮,所有的特等舱和法式阳台客舱全对单人旅行者免收附加费。

    In March , Tom Harper River Journeys , a river cruise company based near Boston , said that in 2016 it would introduce a ship with supplement-free staterooms and French balconies for solo travelers .

  23. 对大厨亨利•哈里斯(HenryHarris)来说,这不是什么新鲜事。在他位于伦敦骑士桥(Knightsbridge)法式小酒馆Racine(最近已关闭)里,小牛脑是菜单上雷打不动的菜品。

    This isn 't news to chef Henry Harris , who had calves " brains permanently on the menu at his ( recently closed ) Knightsbridge brasserie Racine .

  24. Boel减少食用法式煎炸食品和皮萨,并开始步行、骑车和划船。

    Boel cut back on french fries and pizza and started walking , cycling and rowing .

  25. 基于法式分段线性建模的特点,本文提出了一种全局最优的建模(GOM)方法。

    In this paper , a globally optimized modeling method ( GOM ) is presented based on the characteristics of canonical piecewise-linear modeling .

  26. 在河内美丽雅酒店(theMeliaHanoihotel),当地寺庙中的壁画与当代艺术齐聚一堂,从客房向外看,中式、法式和玻璃钢架结构的建筑在市中心交相辉映。

    At the Melia Hanoi hotel , murals of local temples share space with contemporary art . Guestrooms look out onto Chinese , French and glass-and-steel buildings , all mixing together in the heart of the city .

  27. 在多数公司,办公室食堂都已被迫倒闭,因为越来越多的人选择从PretAManger购买西班牙香肠和火箭法式长面包。

    In most companies , the office canteen has been starved to death as people have increasingly chosen to eat chorizo and rocket artisan baguettes from Pret A Manger instead .

  28. 当像Aisha,Bori及Kougra这样的尼奥宠物肚子饿的时候,它们会狼吞虎咽般的吃麦当劳法式薯条。

    When Neopets such as Aisha and Bori and Kougra get hungry , they gobble down McDonald 's French fries .

  29. 最近,T2的餐食档次也提高了,引入了CroqueMadame快餐店和BKLYN啤酒花园,前者是大厨安德鲁·卡尔梅利尼(AndrewCarmellini)开设的法式三明治快餐店,后者提供桶装啤酒,菜单是大厨洛朗·图龙登(LaurentTourondel)设计的。

    Terminal 2 recently got a dining upgrade to include Croque Madame , a French sandwich spot from the chef Andrew Carmellini , and BKLYN Beer Garden with tap beers and a menu by Laurent Tourondel .

  30. 有些人用“法式压滤型咖啡壶”来称呼它。1993年,弗洛伦斯·法布里肯特(FlorenceFabricant)对《纽约时报》的读者们解释说,“法式压滤法”是行家们的最爱。

    others used the phrase " French plunger-type . " In 1993 , Florence Fabricant explained the " French-press method " to readers of The New York Times as a favorite of connoisseurs .