
  • 网络Pharoah;The Pharaoh
  1. 其中一座庙宇有四个20米高的法老王他本人的塑像。

    The larger one features four huge , 20-m-high statues of Pharaoh himself .

  2. 后来,一个新的法老王继承了王位。

    Then a new Pharaoh came to the throne .

  3. 都是法老王诅咒搞的鬼?

    What Is the Truth behind the Mummy 's Curse ?

  4. 埃及人也建造金字塔来作为他们国王(或称为法老王)的陵寝。

    Egyptians also built pyramids as20 for their kings , or pharaohs .

  5. 古埃及人相信法老王的神性。

    Ancient Egyptians believed in the divinity of the Pharaohs .

  6. 我们曾是埃及法老王的奴隶。

    ' 'we were slaves to Pharaoh in egypt .

  7. 都还会被埃及法老王所奴役。

    Would have remained enslaved to Pharaoh in egypt .

  8. 法老王醒后,要求他的大臣约瑟当朝分析梦境。

    Pharaoh woke up , asked his minister of Joseph when the Korean dream .

  9. 米切尔认为这可以证明法老王下葬时非常仓促。

    Mitchell thinks this evidence indicates that King Tut was buried in a hurry .

  10. 在最上层的篮子里,装满着法老王喜欢的各式各样食物。

    On the top basket there was every kind of food which Pharaoh liked .

  11. 法老王之心在哪?

    Where is the pharaoh 's heart ?

  12. 我们先把法老王看成一个普通老人,以权释他的梦象。

    We first as an ordinary old Pharaoh to release his dream as the right .

  13. 他被法老王的女儿发现,在埃及宫廷长大。

    Found by the pharaoh 's daughter , he was reared in the Egyptian court .

  14. 《圣经》中所载埃及法老王之梦,可谓具有典型性。

    " Bible " contained in the Egyptian Pharaoh 's dream can be described as typical .

  15. 大规模的埃及法老王的陵墓,金字塔是今天唯一见证古代奇迹存在的建筑。

    Massive tombs of Egyptian pharaohs , the pyramids are the only ancient wonders still standing today .

  16. 在神降临几次瘟疫给埃及之后,法老王终于同意他的请求,但又派兵追捕他们。

    With the help of his brother Aaron , Moses pleaded with the pharaoh for the Israelites'release .

  17. 这位法老王的梦象,首先是他的“自我权力意动行为”的产物。

    The Pharaoh 's dreams as , first , his " self-power conative behavior " of the product .

  18. 法老王积聚了大量的黄金为同时代和后来的君主所羡慕。

    The vast quantities of gold amassed by the Pharaohs were the envy of contemporary and later sovereigns .

  19. 而属于法老王统治的旧等级社会的异教神,则对此造成了威胁。

    Pagan gods that fitted in to the old , hierarchical world with its Pharaoh would have threatened that .

  20. 如果我们稍加注意法老王的身份,则法老王的梦象之意更加昭彰。

    If we pay attention the identity of the Pharaoh , the Pharaoh 's dream as meaning more notorious .

  21. 一天,有人请这位伟大的画家画一幅法老王渡红海图。

    The great painter was asked , one day to paint a picture of Pharaoh crossing the Red Sea .

  22. 从卢克索走过尼罗河,紧接着是帝王峡谷,这是很多法老王最后归宿的地方。

    Across the river from Luxor lies the Valley of the Kings , the final resting place of many pharaohs .

  23. 金字塔和打扮庄严的法老王一起构成了埃及的神秘氛围,想亲身体验一下吗?

    The pyramid and the dignified throne have constituted the egypt 's mystery atmosphere , do you want to feel it ?

  24. 金字塔里放置了法老王的肉身与伴随着他进入来世价值连城的珠宝。

    The pyramid housed the pharaoh 's body together with priceless treasure , which would accompany him into the next world .

  25. 而最著名的三大金字塔是由古夫、卡夫拉、曼卡拉三位法老王所建造的。

    But the most famous three Pyramid is by the ancient husband , Cuff pulls , the graceful Kara three pharaoh kings to construct .

  26. 当法老王提升他到高位时,约瑟仍然保持一颗仆人的心,甚至对曾经出卖他的兄弟,也是如此。

    When Pharaoh promoted him to prominence , Joseph still maintained a servant 's heart , even with his brothers , who had betrayed him .

  27. 假若法老王真的做了如上之梦,我们从人的本性和法老王的地位对他的梦象试作权衡。

    If Pharaoh 's dream really did above , we learned from human nature and the status of the Pharaoh 's dream as his trial for balance .

  28. 在所有魔法师和智者对法老王的梦一语不赞时,法老王才指定约瑟为他解梦。

    In all the magicians and wise men of the Pharaoh 's dream when the words did not agree , Pharaoh appointed Joseph as his only dream .

  29. 筑造那些法老王陵墓的金字塔的百万工人只好吃些大蒜头,他们将来要像像样样地埋葬都办不到。

    The myriads who built the pyramids to be the tombs of the Pharaohs were fed on garlic , and it may be were not decently buried themselves .

  30. 法老王的尸体和随葬的食物因此受潮,导致墙壁上滋生真菌,直到墓室变得干燥。

    And that moisture , along with the body and the food buried there , would have fed the wall fungus , until the tomb ultimately dried out .