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wén míng yú shì
  • be world-famous;be world-renowned;be famed the world over
闻名于世[wén míng yú shì]
  1. 哈瑞福德医院以其开创性的心脏移植手术闻名于世。

    Harefield Hospital has become world-famous for its pioneering heart transplant surgery .

  2. 中国因丝绸和茶而闻名于世。

    China is famous for its silk and tea in the world .

  3. 他因物理学方面的渊博学识而闻名于世。

    He is distinguished for his knowledge of physics .

  4. 桂林因山水甲天下而闻名于世。

    Guilin is famed for being " second to none in scenery under the sky " .

  5. 他将作为电话发明者而闻名于世。

    He will now be known all over the world as the telephone 's inventor .

  6. 事实上,韦伯斯特以他编撰的《美国英语词典》而闻名于世。

    In fact , Webster is famous for his American Dictionary of the English Language .

  7. 他以一个优秀的天文学者闻名于世。

    He is reputed to have been a good astronomer .

  8. 达尔先生以成人恐怖小说集《意料之外的故事》闻名于世。

    Mr Dahl was well-known for his macabre adult stories called ' Tales of the Unexpected ' .

  9. 格林尼治有着悠久的海事历史,也因本初子午线(0°经线),以及格林尼治时间以其命名而闻名于世。

    Greenwich is notable for its maritime4 history and for giving its name to the Greenwich Meridian5 ( 0 ° longitude ) and Greenwich Mean Time .

  10. 意大利//湖区(LakeRegion)作为影片中皇室的落脚点而闻名于世。

    ITALY / / The Lake Region is best-known as the stomping ground of cinematic royalty .

  11. R·M·黑尔是闻名于世的当代英国道德哲学家。

    R. M. Hare is a contemporary British moral philosopher well-known for the world .

  12. 任天堂因为其备受欢迎的GameBoy以及受欢迎程度甚至更高的DS而闻名于世。

    Nintendo is best known for its popular game boy , and its even-more-popular DS .

  13. 香格里拉因为1933年詹姆斯希尔顿(JamesHilton1900-1954)的小说《消失的地平线(LostHorizon)》而开始闻名于世。

    Shangri-la became famous after the novel Lost Horizon by James Hilton ( 1900-1954 ) published in 1933 .

  14. 香格里拉因为1933年詹姆斯希尔顿(JamesHilton1900-1954)的小说《消失的地平线(LostHorizon)》而开始闻名于世。

    Shangri-la became famous after the novel Lost Horizon by James Hilton ( 1900 – 1954 ) published in1933 .

  15. 前些年,海南曾因走私交易声名狼藉,但后来转而成为中国的温泉疗养胜地,并因举办世界小姐(MissWorld)选美大赛而闻名于世。

    In years gone by it was infamous for smuggling contraband , but has since been transformed into China 's spa capital made famous through hosting the Miss World beauty pageant .

  16. 前美国总统理查德尼克松在19世纪50年代访问巴西时,他就用OK的手势结果陷入窘境因此闻名于世。

    Former US president Richard Nixon famously got into trouble when he used the " OK " gesture on a visit to Brazil in the1950s .

  17. 马斯达尔还设立了一项奖金总额为400万美元的扎耶德未来能源奖(ZayedFutureEnergyPrize),类似于闻名于世的埃克斯奖(X-Prize)。

    Masdar even has a $ 4 million award program the Zayed future energy prize like the vaunted X-Prize .

  18. 亨利•福特曾率先设计出大规模生产标准化产品的系统,从而闻名于世。他可能会对戴尔在PC业务取得的成绩表示赞许。

    Henry Ford , famous for designing the first system capable of mass-producing a standardised product , would have approved of what Dell has already done to the PC business .

  19. 全球定位系统(GPS)因其高定位精度和广定位范围而闻名于世,但其定位效果依赖于可追踪到的卫星数目和分布情况。

    Global Positioning System ( GPS ) is famous for its high positioning accuracy and wide positioning range , but the effect depends on the number of satellite traced and its distribution .

  20. MoonlitMonoLake洒满月光的莫诺湖凝灰岩,是突出在加利福尼亚州的东部雪乐山的莫诺湖面的不同寻常的岩层,以其超凡脱俗的美丽而闻名于世。

    Tufa , the unusual rock formations that jut out of Mono Lake in California 's Eastern Sierra , are famous for their otherworldly beauty .

  21. 我们来更深入的探讨这一问题:尼尔阿姆斯特朗(NeilArmstrong)能在月球上行走,得益于政府的管理、政府的资金、以及政府最闻名于世的雄心壮志之一。

    More to the point : Neil Armstrong walked on the moon thanks to government management , government money and one of the most famous of all government ambitions .

  22. 贵公司以做出帮助人们X的伟大产品而闻名于世。但除此之外,我通过你们对X、Y、Z事件或事业的支持,了解到你们公司在社会中的领导角色。

    Your company is known for making great products that help people do X. But on top of that , I know of your company 's leadership role in our community through your support of X , Y and Z events or causes .

  23. 这只闻名于世的克隆羊以多莉。帕顿(DollyParton)的名字命名,该试验被认为是早期克隆试验的一个进步,早期克隆都依靠胚胎组织来获得生物化学遗传物质。

    That famous clone , named for Dolly Parton , was considered an advance on earlier cloning experiments , which relied on embryonic tissue for their biochemical seed material .

  24. 而圆满解决AGC问题的基础在于机组负荷控制,闻名于世的直接能量平衡(DEB)法协调控制方案,一直是火力发电厂控制领域关注的焦点。

    To resolve AGC problem perfectly , the base is unit burthen control . The famous coordination control scheme-direct energy balance ( DEB ) method-is still the focus of the thermal power plant control domain .

  25. 挪威//该国第二大城市卑尔根市(Bergen)最闻名于世的可能是其附近的峡湾与冰川,但它却在文化和建筑领域也建树颇丰。

    NORWAY / / The country 's second-largest city may be best-known for its nearby fjords and glaciers , but Bergen is rich in culture and architecture .

  26. ECCO集团为世界五大原皮生产制造商,以高质量的皮革供应商闻名于世。

    ECCO is one of the World 's top5 rawhide processing manufacturer , well known as the supplier of high-quality leather for shoe industry .

  27. 在函数式编程中,解决遍历和修改树的问题的一种知名的解决方法就是zippers(zipper),因GérardHuet(参见参考资料)的描述而闻名于世。

    A well-known solution to the problem of traversing and modifying a tree in functional programming is the zipper , most famously described by G é rard Huet ( see Resources ) .

  28. 远在北欧的童话王国丹麦的ECCO鞋业集团创建于1963年,以ECCO牌休闲鞋闻名于世。

    ECCO Sko A / S , world-wide famous for its ECCO brand shoes , was founded in1963 in Denmark , the kingdom of fairy tales in North Europe .

  29. 这张令人毛骨悚然的照片出自于摄影师G.B.史密斯教授之手,他曾以绘制美国内战时期战犯的肖像画而闻名于世。

    The photographer who snapped the creepy pic , Professor G.B. Smith , was famous for his portraits of confederate Civil War prisoners of war .

  30. 78年以来,Zippo公司一直以制造防风打火机而闻名于世,这种点烟用的打火机以黄铜和锋为原材料制作而成,其工厂位于宾夕法尼亚州西北部一座人口8400人的小镇。

    For 78 years , Zippo Manufacturing Co. has been known for its windproof cigarette lighters , which are fashioned from brass and chrome at a factory in this northwestern Pennsylvania town of 8 , 400 people .