
  1. 试论闻一多诗的基督教意蕴

    On the Christian Connotations in Wen Yiduo 's Poems

  2. 东方色彩的自觉追求与建构&闻一多诗美实践与诗学理想再阐释

    Oriental Colour : Conscious Pursuit and Construction

  3. 其诗论和新月派代表性诗人闻一多的诗之三美论相反,主要宣扬诗的纯粹性,拒绝音乐、绘画入诗。

    And opposite to Wen Yiduo 's theory of " three beauties ", Dai 's poetical theory advocates the purity of poetry , which excludes the elements of music and painting .

  4. 本文试图独辟蹊径,从闻一多格律诗的后续影响谈起,从而追溯新格律诗独特的理论美学建构,并对其优缺点进行探讨。

    The present paper tries to break a new path , starting with the follow-up influence of the metrical poems by Wen Yiduo , for tracing the particular theoretical aesthetic structures of the new metrical verse and for exploring its merits and demerits .

  5. 闻一多的苦茶诗:郭沫若时代的诗学深度

    Wen Yiduo 's Bitter tea Poetry : Depth of the Poetry in Guo Mo ruo 's Age