
gōng cháo
  • labour disturbances;strike movement;workers' demonstration or protest movement;workers' demonstration;workers' protest movement
工潮 [gōng cháo]
  • (1) [workers' demonstration or protest movement]∶工人为实现某种要求或表示抗议而掀起的风潮

  • (2) [slrike movement]

  • (3) 罢工运动。一批工人暂时停止工作,以图强迫对方接受要求(如对雇主提出的改变工资、工时或工作条件)

  • (4) 暂时停止正常工作与活动,以抗议一种行动

  • 闹工潮

工潮[gōng cháo]
  1. 他们来贡献一个解决工潮的方法;

    They had come to offer Wu sun-fu a solution to the strike problem .

  2. 学校的历史课很少提及阶级对抗与工潮的历史。

    The history of class conflict and labor unrest is seldom taught in schools .

  3. 年中前后,一波工潮席卷了中国多家工厂,不过受影响最大的是外资企业。

    A wave of labour unrest swept through factories midyear , though foreign-owned businesses were most affected .

  4. 新箨说,只要厂里的工人都是股东,就不会闹工潮。他举了英国一个鞋厂为例。

    Hsin-to says there 'll be no labour trouble if the workers are all shareholders , and he mentions a shoe factory in England as an example .

  5. 我国农民工回乡创业作为外出务工潮的引致现象,是对城乡发展不平衡、收入差距过大的一种反应。

    Initiating business of migrant workers after their returning to hometown caused by migrant worker , it is a direct response to uneven development and large income gap .

  6. 此次工潮中,勇于反抗的雇员们已经停工好几天了,他们抱怨说工资太低,医疗保险承保范围太狭窄。

    In this case , defiant employees have stopped working for the last several days . They are complaining about the deficiency in pay and the deficient medical insurance coverage .

  7. 自2004年民工荒问题出现以来,就成为经济学界讨论和研究的一个热点,因为这是继民工潮现象而发生的反例。

    The problem of labor shortage began since 2004 , it is increasingly becoming a hot research among many economists because it occured as a counter-example to the tide of Migrant workers .

  8. 今年一系列在华外资企业遭到了工潮冲击,房价和其他商品价格的不断上涨,在更加敢言的新一代农民工群体中引发了不满。

    Industrial unrest has hit a range of foreign companies in China this year as the rising cost of housing and other items has fuelled resentment among a new and more outspoken generation of migrant workers .

  9. 至五卅运动,中国工人运动更是达到前所未有的高潮,并且从民族运动转为劳动运动,各地工潮迭起、历见不解。

    Till the May 30th Movement , the Chinese workers ' movements , changing from the national movements to the labour movements , reached an unprecedented climax and the strike movements all over China occurred frequently .