
  • 网络industrial designer;Industry designer;ID Designer
  1. 作者为技术集团戴森公司(dyson)的工业设计师、创始人

    The writer is an industrial designer and founder of Dyson , the technology group

  2. 他创立的HelloProducts出品各种新颖的牙膏和其他口腔护理产品,因此他在《财富》高管梦之队的网络评选中选择德国工业设计师戴特•拉姆斯作为梦想设计师也就不足为怪了。

    So it is no surprise that the founder of Hello products , a new line of toothpastes and other oral care items , would pick German industrial designer Dieter rams as his dream designer in the fortune fantasy executive League online game .

  3. 他希望培养英国的设计师和制造商,并计划组建一个由英国皇家艺术学院(royalcollegeofart)毕业生组成的团队,该学院在培养工业设计师方面享有世界级声誉。

    He hopes to nurture British designers and makers , and is targeting teams from the Royal College of art , which has a world class reputation for training industrial designers .

  4. 自出版以来,受这本书影响的人不仅包括整整一代工业设计师和首席可持续发展官,还包括一些知名的CEO。

    Since its publication , the book has influenced not only an entire generation of industrial designers and chief sustainability officers but some notable CEOs .

  5. 工业设计师RonArad设计的这款旋转浴室由意大利厂商Teuco生产。

    The industrial designer Ron Arad came up with this rotating shower / bath with Italian manufacturers Teuco .

  6. 出生于荷兰的前英国广播公司(BritishBroadcastingCorp.)高管哈格斯(ErikHuggers)组建了一个有350人的团队,其中的人才远不止研究电脑芯片的人员,还包括程序员、工业设计师、艺术家和视频编码等领域的专家。

    Erik Huggers , a Dutch-born former British Broadcasting Corp. executive , has assembled a 350-person team with talents beyond computer chips -- including programmers , industrial designers , artists and experts in fields like video encoding .

  7. 伊夫o比哈尔是一位曾获得大奖的瑞士工业设计师,他的客户包括三星公司、Jawbone公司和赫曼米勒公司(HermanMiller)。他说:我觉得‘购买’按键有点强迫性。

    I personally felt the ' Buy ' button was a bit forced , says Yves Behar , the award-winning Swiss industrial designer whose past and present clients include Samsung , Jawbone and Herman Miller .

  8. 在采访中Nishibori说,苹果首席工业设计师艾夫(JonathanIve)问他,如果让索尼来制造一台iPhone会是什么样的?

    In the interview , the designer said he was asked by Apple 's head of industrial design Jonathan Ive , ' If Sony were to make an iPhone what would it be like ? '

  9. 该公司生产的佩林所戴的那款MP-704钛材眼镜是由(日本著名工业设计师)川崎和男设计的。

    The company makes Palin 's MP-704 glasses , designed out of titanium by Kazuo Kawasaki .

  10. 而Deon是一名刚毕业的工业设计师,是墨尔本一家室内设计公司的股东之一。

    Meanwhile , Deon , an industrial design graduate , was co-owner of a budding , Melbourne-based interior design company .

  11. 前面拍了一张自拍——这是工业设计师马可·纽森(MarcNewson)设计的一款太空时代感的铝制躺椅。

    Mr. Brosnan snapped a selfie in front of a work he admired : the " Lockheed Lounge " a space-age aluminum chaise longue by the industrial designer Marc Newson .

  12. 智能手环健康追踪功能的设计者——工业设计师伊夫·贝哈尔(YvesBehar)经常从初创企业收取股权作为工作报酬。

    The industrial designer Yves B é har , who is behind the elegant Jawbone Up fitness tracker , sometimes takes equity stakes in start-ups he works with rather than payment .

  13. 后来,20世纪60年代,一位名叫罗伯特普罗普斯特(robertpropst)的工业设计师突然想出了小隔间办公的天才创意,为保留隐私而把办公室职员分隔开的做法再度流行起来。

    Then , in the 1960s , an industrial designer called Robert propst hit on the ingenious idea of the cubicle office system , and it became fashionable to divide office workers again , to preserve privacy .

  14. 但库克知道自己的短处,他从健身和时尚界招揽人才,组建了一支新团队,其中包括前博柏利(Burberry)首席执行官安杰拉•阿伦茨(AngelaAhrendts),以及工业设计师马克•纽森(MarcNewson)。

    But Mr Cook is aware of his shortcomings and has drawn on the worlds of fitness and fashion to assemble a new team of talents , including Angela Ahrendts , formerly of Burberry , and industrial designer Marc Newson .

  15. 彩通是总部位于华盛顿的丹纳赫公司(DanaherCorp.)的子公司,每一年它都会调查世界各地的平面设计师、工业设计师、时装设计师及其他设计师以及制造商和零售商,询问他们计划在未来几季采用什么色彩。

    Pantone , owned by Washington , D.C. - based Danaher Corp. , each year polls graphic , industrial , fashion and other designers around the world , as well as manufacturers and retailers , asking what colors they plan to use in coming seasons .

  16. 现代工业设计师如何塑造产品的新型形态

    Modern Industrial Designers how to Create a New Form of Products

  17. 应用实例证明,该系统能有效地辅助工业设计师进行材质设计。

    It is proved the system could assistant the industry designer efficiently .

  18. 想想,这是不是一个工业设计师喜爱的电影?

    Think this is the one film an industrial designer would love ?

  19. 现代工业设计师应加重对人的心理因素的研究,把满足人的精神需求作为重要的设计理念贯穿于整个设计活动之中。

    Modern industrial design should stress the study of human psychological factor .

  20. 作者认为实现人性化和触动心灵的用户界面是工业设计师所要奋斗的目标之一。

    To realize humanization and touch soul of user is the goal of industry designer struggled for .

  21. 美国工业设计师协会对每年授予之“国际设计优秀奖”之数量与种类不做任何保证。

    IDSA makes no guarantees as to the number and type of IDEA awards given each year .

  22. 这个培训营的设计是针对进入更个领域的工业设计师们,包括交通工具设计。

    Workshop I has been designed to cater to industrial designers in all fields , including automotive design .

  23. 为了使癌症病患振作起来,土耳其工业设计师贝尔克·伊尔汗发明了一款“微笑镜子”。

    Turkish industrial designer Berk Ilhan invented a Smile Mirror to lift up the spirits of cancer patients .

  24. 基于空气动力特性的设计方法从有利于工业设计师从整体上考虑车身外形。

    The design method based on aerodynamics is good for industrial designers to consider car - body shape integrally .

  25. 世界上许多大公司和工业设计师以自己的实践参与到保护地球家园的行动之中。

    Many companies and industrial designers participated in the activity of protecting our earth home through their design practices .

  26. 从工业设计师身上我们可以看到,他们不仅熬过了萧条时期,而且在今天仍然活跃在我们周围。

    The lesson from the industrial designers is that they not only survived the depression but , they are still around .

  27. 同时海洛先生是德国设计协会和美国工业设计师协会的成员。

    Mr Heiler is a Member of the Industrial Designer Society of America as well as of the German Design Council .

  28. 鲍勃在日本的职业是工业设计师。他用手摸了摸自己剃光的头,说:

    Bob , who works in Japan as an industrial designer , rubbed his hand over his shaved skull and said :

  29. 工业设计师似乎什么都懂那么一点,什么都不精,但知识的广博正是开发产品的必备要素啊!

    Industrial designers seem to understand what it is but not smart , however a broad knowledge of product development is essential elements !

  30. 他作为一名工业设计师与数家建筑事务所合作,例如阿尔多?罗西事务所以及其他不同的意大利公司。

    He collaborated with several architecture offices , such as Aldo R ossi 's one , and different Italian firms as industrial designer .