
  • 网络principle of utility;the benefit principle
  1. 成本效益原则并没有明文列示在会计核算原则当中,但是,从微观效应的角度考虑,企业在进行会计核算时,也应该考虑成本效益原则。

    The cost benefit principle is not in the accounting principles .

  2. 注册会计师审计与成本效益原则

    CPA Auditing and Cost - Benefit Principle

  3. 两者都遵循基于自然资源稀缺性的成本与效益原则。

    Both follow the cost-benefit principle based on natural resource scarcity .

  4. 行政规制应当遵守效益原则。

    Administrative regulation should observe the principle of efficiency .

  5. 刑事诉讼效益原则初探

    On the Principle of Criminal Procedure 's Result

  6. 这样既能够及时地解决问题,又符合成本效益原则。

    Thus we can resolve the problems duly and it accords with cost-benefit rule .

  7. 效益原则是市场经济的必然规律。

    The principle of pursuing beneficial results is the inexorable law in market-oriented economy .

  8. 先进制造技术的系统特性和效益原则

    System Properties and Benefit Principles of AMT

  9. 获得最大健康效益原则;

    To gain the most healthy efficacy ;

  10. 要使国际比较效益原则为我国国民经济发展战略服务

    Make the Principle of International Comparative Advantage Serve the Development Strategy of Our National Economy

  11. 除此之外,分部信息的披露还受到成本效益原则和重要性原则的约束,文章对此也作出分析。

    Besides , the cost-benefit principle and importance principle should also be taken into account .

  12. 经济效益原则;

    The principle that get economic benefit ;

  13. 其中,一般原则包括社会性原则、充分披露原则、灵活性原则和成本效益原则等;

    General principles included social principle , full disclosure principle , flexibility principle and cost-benefit principle .

  14. 会计工作中的成本效益原则

    Cost Benefit Principle in Accounting Activity

  15. 二要严格遵守效益原则、导向原则、奖罚分明原则;

    Second , benefit , leading , rewarding and punishing clearly principle should be observed strictly ;

  16. 它在经济视角上有悖经济理性,有悖于效益原则;

    It is contrary to the economic reason and the benefit principle from the view of economics ;

  17. 可以先外包一些工作,只有在招聘员工符合成本效益原则时,再招兵买马也不迟。

    Outsource first , and only bring on employees if it makes financial sense to do so .

  18. 集聚循环经济效益原则是产业集群政策设计的重要原则;

    The principle of agglomerate circular economy is an important principle to design the policy of industrial clusters ;

  19. 实行全面成本管理与控制,需要遵循成本&效益原则。

    Implement the overall cost management and control , need to follow the " cost them benefit " principle .

  20. 地役权的独特价值符合了现代法律经济效益原则和社会本位法律观,使得地役权可以不断适应社会的发展而一直具有活力。

    The unique value of easement is in line with the legal economic benefit principle and the society standard principle .

  21. 复印件移送制度提高了诉讼成本,违背诉讼效益原则。

    In addition , photocopy transfer system increases the cost for judicial proceedings and violates the principle of lawsuit efficiency .

  22. 提出确定直通旅客列车开行的效益原则,并给出数学公式和计算简例。

    A benefit principle for laying out passenger train schemes is proposed . The corresponding formulas and an example are presented .

  23. 基于住区绿化系统的生态效益原则,提出了城市居住区生态绿化设计的基本原则和几点建议。

    According to ecological benefit principle of greening system principles and suggestions are proposed for ecologic greening design of residential districts .

  24. 对规制者的规制&兼谈行政规制的效益原则并对系统的恒深变速过程和恒速变深过程进行了仿真计算。

    The invariable depth - variable speed process and invariable speed-variable depth process of the thermal power system with optimal regulator were simulated .

  25. 然后论述碳排放权分配所应遵循的三大原则:平等原则、公平原则、效益原则。

    Then , the initial allocation of carbon emission rights should follow three principles : the principle of equality , fairness , and effective .

  26. 风险响应措施的选择是在成本效益原则的基础上选择最优的风险应对方案。

    The risk of response is defined as selecting the optimal one among the feasible proposals on the basis of the principle of cost-effective .

  27. 同时,由于该体系简单易懂,符合成本-效益原则,因此,更适合中小投资者使用。

    At the same time , this system is more fit for middle-small investors to use because it is much easier and more economical .

  28. 从会计报表使用者的需求出发,兼顾成本效益原则,作出大胆设想。

    The author puts forward bold proposals in light of the needs of users of accounting statements , paying attention to the cost-benefit principle .

  29. 效益原则是企业信息化建设的基本原则,掌握科学合理的信息化投资效益分析方法对于当前企业信息化建设具有重要的现实意义。

    The return of investment is a principle in enterprise informatization . Appropriate Cost / Benefit Analysis is very impossible for contemporary enterprise informatization .

  30. 地方志资源开发与利用应遵循效益原则、主动利用原则、创新原则和可持续发展的原则。

    Those principles of benefit , initiative using , innovation and lasting sustainable are necessary for developing and using the local chronicle resources to follow .