
xiào zhōnɡ xuān shì
  • oath of allegiance;loyalty oath;fealty
  1. 每一个人都得对新统治者进行效忠宣誓。

    Everyone had to take an oath of allegiance to the new ruler .

  2. 在效忠宣誓后新下院议员在宣誓名册上签字。

    After take the oath , the new mp sign the test roll . There is no oath of allegiance to the UN .

  3. 但我不想对美国国旗效忠宣誓。

    But I don 't want to pledge allegiance to the flag .

  4. 美国最初是作为一个宪法共和国而建立的,这一点在《宪法》和《效忠宣誓》中都有体现。

    America was actually founded as a Constitutional Republic , as stated in the Constitution and the Pledge of Allegiance .

  5. 一些班级的学生只说西班牙语,甚至在效忠宣誓中都是这样。效忠宣誓是美国学生早上必须进行的惯例。

    In some classes , only Spanish is spoken , even during the Pledge of Allegiance -- a morning tradition for American schoolchildren .

  6. 而这漫长之旅的终结是一次由带领对美国效忠宣誓独奏会的美国财政部长杰克·卢主持的仪式。

    The end of that long road was a ceremony presided over by U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew who led the recital of the Pledge of Allegiance .

  7. 他们不作向联合国效忠的宣誓。她发誓要效忠国王。

    There is no oath of allegiance to the UN . She vowed that he would be loyal to the king .