
  • 网络effect size
  1. 但是若干研究的结果是一致的,效应量很大。

    But the results were consistent over a number of studies , and the effect size is large .

  2. 直接对比阈上和阈下EC效应量大小的研究更少。

    Direct comparison of the effect size between supraliminal and subliminal stimulus under EC effect are rare .

  3. imf发现,在危机爆发7年后,有3种独立但效应量相同的因素,倾向于阻止经济反弹至危机前的趋势增长率。

    After seven years , the IMF found that three separate and equally-sized forces tended to prevent economies rebounding to their pre-crisis trends .

  4. 结果发现,与正常儿童相比,ADHD儿童在两种反应抑制上都有不同程度的缺损,不仅冲突效应量更大,反应停止的错误率也更高;

    Results showed that ADHD children were deficient in both types of response inhibition compared with normal controls .

  5. 方法:应用Meta分析对34项研究奎硫平与其他抗精神病药治疗精神分裂症阴性症状文献进行再分析,评价其合并效应量的大小和综合显著性差异。

    Method : 34 studies that compare effects differences in treatment of negative symptom between quetiapine and other antipsychotics were analysised by meta-analysis in effect side and comprehensive .

  6. 尿素免疫脂质体对HVEC的半效应量(ID50)约26mg。

    The median infective dose of medical urea immunoliposomes for HVEC was about 26 mg .

  7. 论文总共包括两个系列研究:研究一主要考察返回抑制是否会对空间Stroop效应量的大小产生影响及产生什么样的影响。

    Specially , two series of studies were included in this thesis : The first study was designed mainly to investigate whether and how IOR will affect spatial Stroop effects .

  8. 本系统评价疗效资料均为分类变量,故以比数比或相对危险度(PetoOR或RR)及其95%可信区间(95%CI)表示效应量。

    The results were expressed as Peto odds ratic ( Peto OR ) or relative risk ( RR ) and 95 % confidence intervals ( CI ) for categorical outcomes .

  9. 听觉中央重新定向不存在时,也发现了听觉IOR;(2)听觉中央重新定向对听觉IOR效应量的大小没有显著影响,该结果支持了在视觉通道中的相关研究结论。

    When the central reorienting does not exist , auditory IOR can also be found ; ( 2 ) auditory central reorienting has no significant influence on the amount of auditory IOR effect . This result also supports the relative conclusion in the study of vision channel .

  10. 确定大坝效应量分量比例的神经网络方法

    Neural network method for determining the component proportion of dam effect-variable

  11. 应用粗糙隶属度确定大坝效应量分量比例

    Application of Rough Membership for Determining Component Proportion of Dam Effect-Quantity

  12. 同时,提出了确定分量占效应量比例的神经网络方法。

    A neural network method for determining the component percentage is given .

  13. 国内的大坝安全监测数据处理系统大都是从效应量(位移、应力等)开始的;

    Data processing systems begin with effect quantities , such as displacements and stresses in China .

  14. 目的:探讨医学研究中方差分析常用的效应量&标准均数差的计算方法。

    AIM : To explore the standardized mean difference , the common effect size for ANOVA in medical research .

  15. 太阳能电池薄膜量测;软性显示面板量测;霍尔效应量测;以及客制化的量测需求。

    It also applies to Solar Cell measurement , Flexible Display Measurement , Hall Effect Measurement , and customized measurement .

  16. 结果显示,虚拟团队学习取向和学习行为对团队绩效有显著影响,对组织的财务绩效和知识绩效也有显著的效应量。

    The results showed that virtual team learning orientation and behavior had positive relationship with virtual team effectiveness and organizational effectiveness .

  17. 大坝监测资料分析中环境量对效应量影响综合评价的加权面积法

    Weighted area algorithm for comprehensive assessing the influence of environmental variables on affected variables in analysis of dam safety monitoring data

  18. 实例分析表明,该方法简捷实用,可定量分析影响因素对效应量的影响程度。

    A case illustrates that this method is simple in practice and successful in determining the component proportion of effect quantity .

  19. 然后论证了使用加权面积定义距离的合理性并给出了确定距离基准值的方法,为确定各个分量占效应量的比例提供了定量的依据。

    Then , the rationality of the weighted area distance is demonstrated and the approach to calculate the base value is deduced .

  20. 本文总结了三种资料类型效应量的可信区间计算方法及精度的影响因素。

    Three formulas for calculating confidence intervals for different data types and factors related with precision of CI were summarized in this paper .

  21. 大坝安全监测效应量过程线的主要特点是周期性、时效性、含有测读误差等。

    Duration curves of effect quantities obtained from dam safety monitoring are characterized mainly by their periodicity , ageing and measurement errors , etc.

  22. 用距离的概念来描述大坝监测资料分析中环境量对效应量的整体影响效应。

    The concept of distance is introduced to describe the comprehensive influence of environmental variables on affected variables in dam safety monitoring data analysis .

  23. 最后通过对谐波温度因子系数的分析,给出了确定观测效应量滞后于气温时间的计算公式。

    Based on the analysis of the factor , a formula is given to calculate the time lag of the monitoring effect to the atmospheric temperature .

  24. 考虑的环境量主要为地下水位和江水位,效应量为钻孔倾斜仪测得的位移。

    The environment quantities considered here are mainly underground water level and the river level , while the effect quantities are the displacements measured by borehole inclinometer .

  25. 在全面分析渗流监测效应量影响因素的基础上,提出并建立了多项式形式的渗流统计数学模型。

    Based on the analysis of the effective factors of the seepage monitoring effect quantities , seepage statistic mathematic model in the form of multinomial are proposed and established .

  26. 利用网络的权值来表示网络的输入变量对网络的输出变量的影响程度,从而确定水位、温度等分量占效应量的比例。

    The weight of the neural network was used to explain the relative significance of inputs on the output and the proportion of components of the effect variable was determined .

  27. 在模型求解方法上,针对累积的水文环境监测值和效应量监测值,摒弃了传统的多元回归解法,采用具有优化能力的逐步回归解法,实现了对因子的自动优选;

    On the calculation of the model , a new stepwise regression method is adopted in replace of the multi-factor regression method , and the optimized factors are chosen automatically ;

  28. 选用瑞利分布作为某些荷载对其效应量的滞后影响曲线,并结合实例予以应用.实践证明,其计算简便,效果较好。

    This thesis adopts Rayleigh distribution as stagnant effect curve of some loads to its effectiveness , and also applies it to practical projects . It is proved to be simple and effective .

  29. 此外,建立了反映非线性映射的神经网络模型,并利用神经网络的权值大小,综合评价了环境量对渗流效应量的影响程度。

    In addition , the neural network model with non-linear mapped capacity is established , and the influence degree of the environment data on the observation data is estimated comprehensively by using the power value .

  30. 随着传感器技术、计算机网络技术和通讯技术的发展,目前已经可以比较稳定、可靠和实时地获得结构所承受的多种荷载信息和结构效应量。

    With the development of sensor , computer , network , and communication , it 's possible now to build up an on-line monitoring system to obtain the information such as the loads and deformation reliably .