
  1. 与之相应,公共行政理论与实践中的效率观念及绩效管理也发生了变化。

    Accordingly , the efficiency concept and performance management in the theory and practice of public administration have also changed .

  2. 效率观念与程序分流的标准都经历了从权力导向到权利导向的转变历程。

    Both the concepts of efficiency and the standards of procedure division have experienced the course of power-oriented turning to rights-oriented .

  3. 在思想观念上要坚持为人民服务思想,树立效率观念,学会统筹兼顾。

    To insist on the thought of serving people , establishing efficiency concepts , making overall plans and take all factors into consideration .

  4. 它的出现将有助于青少年学习观念、平等意识、全球意识、效率观念、奉献精神的培养及人际交往、求知途径的拓宽等。

    It helps students form their study concept , equal consciousness , global view , efficiency idea and contribution value , and can widen their interpersonal communication ability and their way of getting information .

  5. 在执行中贯彻穷尽原则,对重树公正效率观念,诠释法律裁判的权威,提高当事人风险防范意识大有裨益。

    Using the limit principle in the enforcement can bring great benefits to establish the idea of justice and efficiency , to ex-pound the authority of legal decision and enhance the parties ' precaution of risk .

  6. 旱地农业研究中应该有三大观念的转变,一是从缺水到缺肥的观念转变,二是从缺水到提高水资源利用效率的观念转变;

    There are three opinions changed in dry-land agriculture , the first is from lack of water changed into lack of fertilizer ;

  7. 并针对其主要原因提出提高劳动定额水平的具体对策,批评了当前不重视效率的观念和牺牲效率解决就业的政策;

    It criticizes idea that the efficiency isn 't paid attention to currently and the policy that the efficiency is given up for solving the employment .

  8. 这完全不同于有关资产负债表效率的老观念。

    This is the very opposite of the old notion of balance sheet efficiency .

  9. 语文学科,或许该告别冰冷冷的效率至上的观念,生命对话的目标的达成或许更为重要。

    The subject of Chinese should discard the idea that efficiency is the highest because it is more important to establish living objects .

  10. 与国外企业相比,我国企业在人才开发、技术水平、创新能力、管理效率、经营观念几方面存在明显差距。

    Compared with foreign enterprises , our enterprises have obvious gap in human resources development , technological standard , creative ability , management efficiency and concept etc.

  11. 把你的有关管理、效率和目标等观念统统抛到一边。

    Throw out your ideas about control , effectiveness , and goals .

  12. 改变当前教师教学行为现状,提高教学效率,应从教育观念、知识结构、教育环境和评价制度上入手。

    The summarizing and analyzing of the conclusions indicate that to change the present condition and improve teaching efficiency , we should start from four aspects-sense of education , knowledge structure , environment and evaluation system .