
  • 网络effect light
  1. 环境效果灯的选购是灯饰装潢最麻烦的地方。

    Environmental effects of light decoration Lighting shopping is the most troublesome areas .

  2. 所以,天花板的环境效果灯,建议采用价格稍微贵一点的灯带,或者是柔光轨道灯。

    Therefore , the environmental effects of the ceiling lights , the proposed price point a little light in your belt , or a soft track lights .

  3. 在希望进行镜像的情况下,例如对于埃及象形文字,希腊,或者特殊设计效果灯,这应该使用样式表来控制。

    In cases where mirroring is desired , for example for Egyptian Hieroglyphs , Greek Bustrophedon , or special design effects , this should be controlled with styles .

  4. 目前很多效果灯的价格其实并不高,批量购买价格不过几千块,制造出的效果却非常理想。

    At present , the price of a lot of the effect of light is not high , bulk purchase price of a few thousand pieces , to create the ideal effect .

  5. 如果是在家里拍摄时尚照片,窗子一侧透进来的自然光也能起到同样的效果。地灯

    However , if you 're taking fashion shots at home , natural light coming through a side window will also work well .

  6. 这种合二为一的发光二极管发出带有轻微黄色的柔柔的白光,效果和白炽灯一样。

    The resulting hybrid LED gives off a warm white light with a slightly yellow cast , similar to that of the incandescent lamp .