
wǔ tái shè jì
  • stage design;stage set
  1. 描绘的舞台设计用来暗示特殊的地点。

    The painted structures of a stage set that are intended to suggest a particular locale .

  2. 艺术技巧,优美的舞蹈和舞台设计的融合。

    A confluence of artistry , superb choreography , and stage design .

  3. 舞台设计得到了完美的体现。

    The stage designs have been beautifully realized .

  4. TNT剧院创立于1980年,以其简洁的舞台设计、纯正的英伦风和跨性别表演等特点而独树一帜。

    The TNT Theater , founded in1980 , has been distinguished for its simple stage decoration , strong British style and cross-gender performances .

  5. 迈克尔·耶尔根(MichaelYeargan)2005年参加托尼奖颁奖典礼领取舞台设计奖时意识到了这一点。1969年耶尔根在耶鲁大学戏剧学院就读时师从李名觉,现在是该戏剧学院设计系的联合系主任。

    Michael Yeargan , a student of Mr. Lee 's at the Yale School of Drama in 1969 and now co-chairman of the drama school 's design department , recognized that at the 2005 Tony Awards ceremonies , where Mr. Yeargan was honored for set design .

  6. 舞台设计成牢房的样子。

    The stage was designed to imitate a prison cell .

  7. 大型户外演出舞台设计中的若干安全问题

    Some safety problems of stage design of large-scale outdoors performance

  8. 王的作品还向我们揭示了他的舞台设计背景。

    Wang 's background in stage design is evident in his work .

  9. 大型全自动升降旋转舞台设计与安装技术

    Design and Installation Technology of Large-scale Full Automation Lift & Circumrotation Stage

  10. 液压旋转升降舞台设计与应用

    Design and Operation on Hydraulic Rotation Vertically Reciprocation Stage

  11. 舞台设计就是其中非常重要的一项。

    Stage design is one very important one .

  12. 在舞台设计方面他堪称第一。

    He rival the best in stage designing .

  13. 爱听故事的人,学习舞台设计,喜欢画画和音乐。

    DIDY loves listening to stories , studying stage design , painting and music .

  14. 舞台设计灵动多变,充分展现声、光、影的完美整合。

    The flexibly designed stage shows the perfect integration of sound , light and pictures .

  15. 当代舞台设计中的平面绘画因素

    Elements of Painting in Contemporary Stage Design

  16. 使组成或者构成;这面墙构成这个舞台设计的背景。

    To compose or represent : This wall forms the background of the stage setting .

  17. 理查德·哈德森的舞台设计

    The Stage Designing of Richard Harrison

  18. 这次是以创新的木质材料加上吸音海绵作为舞台设计。

    This time we innovate to have wooden material plus sound-absorbing foam as our stage backdrop .

  19. 力宏希望以他的原创音乐和精湛的舞台设计将这次演唱会深留在歌迷心底。

    Leehom hopes to impress fans once again with his original music and sophisticated production designs .

  20. 他将建筑艺术融入戏剧舞台设计中,以强烈的隐喻色彩赋予作品全新的阐释。

    He has introduced architectual elements into stage design , providing unique metaphorical readings to dramatic works .

  21. 本文为《舞台设计美学》动作空间一章中的第一节。

    This is the first section of the first chapter Acting Space in the book the Aesthetics of Stage Design .

  22. 舞台设计必须严丝合缝,马虎不得。所以各种精密绘图仪器都得派上用场。

    All sorts of instruments and tools are put to use in the demanding and exacting work of stage design .

  23. 结合东莞玉兰大剧院工程实践,介绍全自动升降旋转舞台设计与安装技术。

    Based on the Dongguan Yulan Opern , authors state the design and installation technology of the full automation lift & circumrotation stage .

  24. 典雅大气的欧式门窗设计,巨大璀璨的水晶灯,独特的剧院式舞台设计,实现了“宫廷婚礼”的梦想。

    Elegant and graceful European doors and windows , gleaming crystal chandelier and unique theatre stage make the dream of royal wedding come ture .

  25. 结合实例阐述电视综艺晚会进行舞台设计常用的设计技巧,及需要思考的问题。

    Skills and techniques generally used in stage design as well as some remarkable problems were presented with living examples for TV Gala Evening .

  26. 针对漳州舞台设计要求给出了8块活动舞台运动控制的配置方案;

    Aiming at the design requests of the project , the paper gives the collocation scheme to control the motions of 8 flanks of mobile stages .

  27. 而今天,舞台设计不仅仅是对舞台的设计,而是更强调以体验为核心的表演空间的总体创造。

    While now , the stage designing is not only a " design to the stage ", but emphasizes more on creating the whole performance-space which core is experience .

  28. 他的影响力超越了舞台设计,亚伦森博士说,服装和灯光设计师、剧作家、导演、建筑师和艺术家都上过他的课。

    And his influence goes beyond set design , Dr. Aronson said . Costume and lighting designers , playwrights , directors , architects , artists have taken his classes .

  29. 行内专业的模特编导团队、舞台设计团队、专业造型师团队、职业模特培训教师团队;

    In the line the specialized model directs the team , the stage design team , the specialized modelling division team , the professional model to train the teacher team ;

  30. 作者对舞台设计的基本观念为:它是多层次的,异质的空间动作空间、交往空间、审美空间、知觉空间的综合。

    The author considers the basic concept of stage design as being a synthesis of multi-layered and inhomogeneous space - acting space , communicative space , aesthetic space and perceptive space .