
  • 网络Dance form;form of dance
  1. 肚皮舞是一种古老的舞蹈形式。

    Belly dance is an ancient form of dance .

  2. 你可以调整你所跳的舞蹈形式,来适应由于心脏病而稍受限制的人(的需求)。

    You could adjust the form of dance you 're doing for the person who is mildly limited because of heart disease .

  3. 因此以小型的舞蹈形式居多。

    Therefore , their dances are usually in a small scale .

  4. 它是一种对舞者身形要求不严格的舞蹈形式。

    It 's a dance form that 's very forgiving .

  5. 这种古典舞蹈形式是从四百多年前开始的。

    This type of classical dance began about four hundred years ago .

  6. 早期一些舞蹈形式的称呼已经模糊不清。

    The terminology of early forms is badly confused .

  7. 不同的民族以其独特的舞蹈形式体现着民族文化的发展。

    Different nationalities reflect the development of national culture in the form of its unique dancing .

  8. 是年节时表演的大型舞蹈形式。

    It is a large-scale dance played during the Spring Festival or other festivals or holidays .

  9. 在海外表演和教学过程中,被誉为无可比拟的富有创新的舞蹈形式。

    It is considered to be uncomparable and innovatory wherever abroad the company performs and teaches .

  10. 舞蹈形式导论

    Introduction to the Form of Dancing

  11. 诸多在“灯节”中表演的舞蹈形式,人们泛称之为“灯舞”。

    The " lantern dance " refers to those performed during the " lantern festival " .

  12. 一种舞蹈形式它起源于普通人民中(不在庄严的宫廷里)。

    A style of dancing that originated among ordinary people ( not in the royal courts ) .

  13. 一种舞蹈形式其中跳舞的人彼此互相拍击;通常表演来拍击石头。

    A form of dancing in which dancers slam into one another ; normally performed to punk rock .

  14. 虽然学习这种舞蹈形式是个艰苦的过程,然而舞台上演出的效果却魅力十足。

    Though learning this style of dance is a difficult process , the results on stage are magical .

  15. 踩高跷俗称缚柴脚,亦称“踏高跷”、“扎高脚”。乃民间节日在广场表演的一种舞蹈形式。

    Walking on stilts is commonly known as a kind of dance performed during festivals among the people .

  16. 桑巴是巴西一种独特的音乐和舞蹈形式,是由非洲裔的巴西穷人们创造出来的。

    The samba is a unique Brazilian music and a dance form that was begun by the poor Afro-Brazilians .

  17. 在美国,方步舞在很久以前便成为了一种最流行的民间舞蹈形式。

    In the United States the most popular form of folk dancing since the earliest days has been square-dancing .

  18. 在美国的观众和舞者渴望自己的“当代”的舞蹈形式。

    Audiences and dancers in the United States were eager for their own , " contemporary " dance form .

  19. 一种民间舞蹈形式其中成对的人被安排在一组或在一行彼此相对。

    A type of folk dance in which couples are arranged in sets or face one another in a line .

  20. 伯特表演和传授的精确、典雅、优美的古典柬埔寨舞蹈形式富有深刻的历史含义。

    Precise , elegant and graceful , the classical Cambodian dance form that Burt performs and teaches carries deep historical significance .

  21. 意大利、法国、俄国,英国和美国,在许多方面都对这一舞蹈形式做出重要的贡献。

    Italy , France , Russia , England , and America have all contributed important elements to this style of dance .

  22. 因为跳舞引起了公众的骚乱,警察决定禁止这种过分狂热的舞蹈形式。

    So the police decided to forbid the extreme forms of the dance , as it was creating a public disturbance .

  23. 朝鲜民族把它发展为富有民族色彩的、优美的舞蹈形式,在民间广泛流传。

    The Korean minority developed it into a beautiful dance form with a strong local flavor , which spread widely among themselves .

  24. 因此,编导进行创作,从根本上说,首先从观察体验生活人手,身入生活,心入生活,然后经过艺术构思,把头脑中形成的艺术形象用舞蹈形式表现出来。

    Therefore choreography starts from life observation and life experience , which are to be translated into dance representation on stage through artistic design .

  25. 舞蹈形式的最终目的和意义是以无限小的量感传递最多的思想和情感,发挥情感和思想载体的功能和价值;

    He says dances convey the maximum thoughts and emotions as well as exert the value and function of the emotional and ideological vehicles .

  26. 舞蹈形式多种多样,从古典芭蕾到嘻哈艺术、肚皮舞、弗拉明戈以及民间舞。

    There are many different forms of dance , ranging from classical ballet to hip-hop , belly dancing , flamenco and traditional folk dances .

  27. 龙舞已从祈神、求雨而升华为人们表达豪情壮志、展现群众智慧的舞蹈形式。

    The dragon dance , accordingly , has been elevated from asking for God and rain to expressing people 's courage , pride and wisdom .

  28. 是以蒙古族乐器“托部秀尔”(弹拨乐器)伴奏,以表现马为主、又可自由发挥的舞蹈形式。

    Accompanied by " tambourine "( a kind of plucked musical instrument ), the dance mainly depicts the horse movement and can be expanded freely .

  29. 增加新的舞蹈形式,将强调身体外形教学的重点转向培养学生身体姿态和肢体表达能力上来。

    Adding new dancing forms , teachers should transmit their focus from body shaping to cultivating students ' physical posture and physical expressing ability . 3 .

  30. 肚皮舞也被称为“东方舞”,今天的肚皮舞是一种在世界各地表演的流行的舞蹈形式,它还是保持健美和健康的一种锻炼形式。

    Also known as " oriental dance ", today belly dance is a popular dance form around the world for performances , and keeping fit and healthy .