
  • The Dancer
  1. 我认识德里克时,他是个非常出色的舞者。

    When I met Derek he was ever such a good dancer

  2. 他举手投足之间流露出舞者的优雅。

    He gestures , gesticulates , and moves with the grace of a dancer .

  3. 舞者们在新奥尔良的大街上跳着希米舞。

    Dancers shimmied in the streets of New Orleans

  4. 舞者的身影在轻轻晃动着。

    The shadows of the dancers wavered continually

  5. 非洲舞蹈充满活力,但不乏精妙之处,需要舞者有很强的力量和控制能力。

    African dance is vigorous , but full of subtlety , requiring great strength and control

  6. 我们都被那位优雅的舞者迷住了。

    We were all bewitched by the graceful dancer .

  7. "你可以成为一个好舞者!"我鼓励她。

    " You can be a good dancer ! " I encouraged her .

  8. “丹尼斯,你是个很棒的舞者!你能帮我吗?”

    " Denis , you are a great dancer ! Can you help me ? "

  9. 每周都会有才华横溢的新舞者、新的唱片播放师和新的主持人。

    Every week , there were talented new dancers , new DJs and new MCs .

  10. 她表达了自己想成为一名舞者的强烈愿望,并请求展示自己的舞蹈。

    She expressed her strong wish to be a dancer and begged to show her dance .

  11. 2007年,她成为了一名独舞演员,2015年,她成为了该独舞团的首席舞者。

    In 2007 , she became a soloperformer , and in 2015 she became its principal dancer .

  12. 这是2014年最受欢迎的广告之一,它讲述了美国芭蕾舞剧院的首席舞者米斯蒂·科普兰的故事。

    This was one of the most popular advertisementsof 2014 and it describes American ballet Theatre 's principaldancer Misty Copeland .

  13. 在罗马的暮色中,大自然的杰出舞者们涌向舞台。

    In the Roman twilight , nature 's great dancers flock to the stage .

  14. 小云儿表示自己将来也想成为一名舞者,成为像张老师一样的人。多年来,“彩云计划”已经帮助了来自17个村的62名儿童,她们均被云南的艺术院校录取。

    Over the years , the " Colorful Cloud Program " has helped 62 children from 17 villages get recruited by art schools in Yunnan .

  15. 据《People》杂志介绍,因出演电影《黑天鹅》里面一疯狂芭蕾舞者而获得今年奥斯卡最佳女主角的娜塔莉波特曼近日喜得贵子。

    Natalie Portman , who won a best-actress Oscar this year for playing a demented ballerina in Black Swan , has given birth to her first child , a boy , reports People magazine .

  16. 男中音,可以自由变化声线到G;此角色重点是唱功但也需要是好的舞者。

    Strong high Baritone with good dramatic range of timbre , comfortable to G , emphasis on voice but must also be a good dancer .

  17. 比如:singer(歌手)、dancer(舞者)、或是streetperformer(街头艺术家)都在“艺人”的范围里。

    For example a singer , a dancer or a street performer can all be regarded as entertainers .

  18. 把G20想象成一个舞会,舞者们带着他们的希望和筹码。

    Imagine the G20 as a dance , where the partners come with their hopes and wares .

  19. 在歌曲的最后,高举双臂摆出“黑人力量”礼的舞者们静止不动,仿佛在等人喊“cut”。但一直没人喊。

    At the end of the number , the dancers stand frozen with their arms raised in a black-power salute , as if waiting for someone to yell " cut . " " No one does .

  20. 麦当娜、Psy和伴舞者一起跳“江南Style”里面的骑马舞。这位韩国说唱歌手也在麦当娜表演“Music”歌曲时献唱。

    Madonna , Psy and the dancers performed the signature horse-riding dance of " Gangnam Style . " The Korean rapper also stayed for Madonna 's performance of " Music . "

  21. 甚至一些班惹市场的舞者都开始搬回来了。虽然她们现在多数情况下只是卖自己的DVD,而非现场跳舞。

    Even some of the dancers of Banr Bazaar had moved back , although they were mostly making DVDs to sell , rather than performing live .

  22. 还有DavidBeckham得到了全场最热烈的欢呼,那个人群中得到足球的舞者可有段好故事讲给他将来的儿孙听了。

    And David Beckham got the biggest single cheer of the evening , and the dancer who caught the football he somewhat shanked into the crowd will have the greatest story to tell his grandchildren .

  23. “他一直是个与众不同的舞者,”吉姆·霍恩(JimHorne)说。他是杰米恩的高中同学。

    He was always an extraordinary dancer , ' says Jim Horne , a classmate of Mr. Jermyn 's at Los Angeles Baptist High School .

  24. 知道Hok是个街舞技巧很赞的舞者,而不是一只鸟。

    You know that Hok is an amazing B-boy dancer , not a bird .

  25. 她曾是霹雳舞者,也是挪威艺术圈的旗手:她参加了2011年的威尼斯双年展ILLUMInation,而这个展览撩动了奥斯陆每个艺术生的心弦。

    A former break-dancer , she is one of the flag-bearers of Norway 's artistic ascendance : Her inclusion in the ' ILLUMInations ' exhibition at the 2011 Venice Biennale was a rallying cry for every art student in Oslo .

  26. 在这支mv中,女歌手顶着七十年代的发型、穿着色彩鲜艳的礼服,用手中的仙女魔法棒变出了一群身着拉斯维加斯式的歌舞女郎服装的女舞者。

    In the video , the singer dressed in a colourful ball gown with a 70s hairdo , uses a fairy wand to make a group of female dancers , dressed in Vegas-style showgirl costumes appear .

  27. 芭蕾舞首席女舞者斯维特拉娜•扎哈洛娃(SvetlanaZakharova)翩翩起舞,世界闻名的俄罗斯女高音安娜•奈瑞贝科(AnnaNetrebko)演唱冬奥会会歌。

    Svetlana Zakharova , the nation 's prima ballerina , danced , while Anna Netbrenko , Russia 's world-famous soprano , sang the Olympic anthem .

  28. 他们让我想起了有关戏剧界的电影,电影里颤抖的合唱女孩们等待着从通风的舞台两侧上台,就像德加(degas)舞者。

    They make me think of films about the theatrical world in which trembling chorus girls wait to make their entrances in draughty wings , captured like Degas dancers .

  29. 这些空中舞者来自旧金山的“Bandaloop”舞蹈团,在世界各地的摩天大楼表演节目。

    The aerial dancers , from the San Francisco-based Bandaloop , have performed on skyscrapers worldwide .

  30. 舞者受到王室的赞助,致力于保护古老的民族和宗教的服装,使古老的面具制作工艺永存。带有不丹独特的建筑风格是一种堡垒,它被称作dzong。

    The dancers enjoy royal patronage , and preserve ancient folk and religious customs and perpetuate the ancient art of mask making .