
wǔ xié
  • dance shoes
  1. 我可没穿舞鞋哦。

    Well , I 'm not wearing dance shoes .

  2. 鲁思已挂起舞鞋退出舞台了。

    Ruth has hung up her dancing shoes .

  3. 一位老妇人正在往地板上撒滑石粉以防止舞鞋打滑。

    An elderly woman was strewing the floor with French chalk so that the dancing shoes would not slip

  4. 在破产后重组的新通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors),别克车继续上演着灰姑娘的故事。而且,在这篇童话中,要变幻出“玻璃舞鞋”,远不只增加新车型那么简单。

    The Cinderella story at the new General Motors continues to be Buick & and this fairy tale has more glass slippers than simply a supply of new models .

  5. 练功时,沃尔夫会穿Bloch品牌的分割式软底舞鞋(售价在33美元上下)。

    She dances in Bloch split-sole ballet slippers , which cost around $ 33 .

  6. 她穿着那双美丽的舞鞋,行走自如。

    She was walking with no difficulties in her beautiful shoes .

  7. 他穿了一双新的轻便舞鞋去跳舞。

    He wore a new pair of pumps for the dance .

  8. 手提舞鞋,面挂媚笑。

    Dancing pumps in hand , oily smiles on their faces .

  9. 她有漂亮的舞鞋和舒适的卧室拖鞋。

    She has pretty dancing slippers and comfortable bedroom slippers .

  10. 我最爱的一件旧物品是我的拉丁舞鞋。

    One of my favorite old things is my Latin dance shoe .

  11. 亲爱的,那好像是……爵士舞鞋。

    Honey , I-I think those are ... Jazz shoes .

  12. 在她离去时,她遗失了一只玻璃舞鞋。

    During her escape , she lost one of her glass slippers .

  13. 我爸爸总认为穿了踢踏舞鞋

    My father always thought if you wore tap shoes ,

  14. 她穿着短迷你裙,戈戈舞鞋…

    She 'd put on the little miniskirt , the gogo boots ...

  15. 我会记着带舞鞋的,理查德。

    I 'll try to remember to bring my dancing shoes , richard .

  16. 你是在问:那个穿着漂亮舞鞋的女孩子是谁?

    You asked , Who is the young lady in the pretty slippers ?

  17. 2000年,另一双红宝石舞鞋在英国克里斯蒂拍卖行以66.6万美元的价格卖出。

    Another pair sold at Christie 's auction house in2000 for $ 666,000 .

  18. 这是我以前的舞鞋现在它属于你了

    They were mine . Now they 're yours .

  19. 您还需要买一双芭蕾舞鞋,姿态训练的时候会用得着。

    You also need to buy a pair of toe shoes for posture training .

  20. 把你的舞鞋穿上,我们要开始跳舞罗

    Keep your dancing shoes on " cause now we 're gonna kick it .

  21. 可现在,她正穿着美丽的舞鞋,而她的双腿完全听从着她的支配。

    Now she was wearing beautiful dancing shoes and her legs obeyed her perfectly .

  22. 8时,几屡金色的阳光洒进浙江省女子监狱的大礼堂,14个脚穿红舞鞋的妙龄女子在进行舞蹈训练。

    It was eight o'clock in the grand hall of Zhejiang Women 's Prison .

  23. 孩子们,把老娘的塑料脱衣舞鞋从积木盒子里拿出来。

    Boys , get mama 's plastic stripper shoes out of your LEGO box .

  24. 我真希望我把舞鞋也带来了,这样我们就能取参加舞会了。

    I wish I would 've brought my dancing shoes so we can go clubbing .

  25. 在下听许多人谈到关于陛下女儿们那些神秘的舞鞋。

    I have heard from many people about those mysterious dancing shoes of your daughters .

  26. 好了,先忘了亲吻青蛙这回事儿吧,穿上你的舞鞋去跳舞,带上装备打网球去吧!

    Well forget kissing frogs and try playing tennis or putting your party shoes on .

  27. 跨界合作:时装业的红舞鞋

    Crossover : red shoes in fashion industry

  28. 但我猜测你丈夫很快就会把他的舞鞋搁置起来。

    But my guess is your husband will hang up his dancing shoes shortly anyway .

  29. 由於走得过於匆忙,她竟把左脚的金舞鞋失落在楼梯上了。

    When she ran down the stairs , her left slipper stuck in the pitch .

  30. 王子将舞鞋拾起。

    The prince picked it up .