
  1. 关于舞剧(舞蹈诗)生产的调研报告

    Survey Report on the Dance Drama ( Dance Epic ) Production

  2. 舞蹈诗是舞蹈形式向广度发展的必然结果。

    Dancing poem is the certain result of the extension of dance , which is different from common dancing works and dancing dramas .

  3. 舞蹈诗是舞蹈艺术的新形式,它身上所具备的优势正是其它舞蹈形式所缺乏的,而正是这些优势大大推动了舞蹈作品和舞剧的创新和发展。

    Dancing poem is a new type of the dance . These advantages promote the development of the dancing works and dancing dramas greatly .

  4. 舞蹈诗用凝炼语言、充沛的情感、丰富的想像、巧妙的构思和深邃的意境体现了诗的特质。

    The dancing poem achieves its poetic essence by its concise language , sufficient emotion , rich imagination , skillful design and profound artistic conception .

  5. 舞蹈诗的抒情又以其独特的身体语言扩展了抒情诗的含义,强化了诗的意象。

    The expression of the dancing poem avails the body language to develop and strengthen the meaning of lyrics , which strengthen the images of them .

  6. 小美人鱼是一部在水与空气、现实和梦境中转换的爱情舞蹈诗。

    The Little Mermaid is a lyric piece of art , a love poem , in a world changing between water and air , reality and dream .

  7. 《诗经》中直接描述舞蹈活动的诗主要集中在这几国风诗中,舞中有丰富的民俗文化内蕴,与殷商巫术宗教文化中求雨、生殖崇拜等观念息息相关。

    Decipher of the Worship of Genitals in the Book of Songs In the Book of Songs , the ballads with direct descriptions of dancing are mainly from the above-mentioned states .

  8. 《东方霓裳》是锦绣中华民族艺术团推出的集民族服饰、舞蹈、音乐和舞美于一体的大型民族服饰舞蹈诗。

    Oriental Nerissa is large-scale folk clothing dancing that integrates folk clothing , dance , music and beauty promoted by Folk Art Group of Splendid China .